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Ethics and animal welfare

ICS does follow French and European Legislation (European Directive 2010/063 EU, French « Décret n° 2013-118 » about protection of animals used for scientific purposes ). 

Thus our Institute has an official license delivered by the official regional vet (DDPP) to take care of animals, breed them and to perform protocols. All technicians taking care of mice are specially trained.

ICS has implemented the new regulation:

-ICS has anticipated this evolution, creating an ethical committee, called Com'Eth in 2010

Following the national convention that we have signed, our members have different point of view being researchers, technicians, vets or "naive" representing the community. Moreover, our team is trained to perform those evaluations properly (the GIRCOR has set up trainings dedicated to ethical committee members). 

-ICS has also created an Animal Welfare Body.

Its main missions are advising research teams, answer ethical and animal welfare questions, visit animal facilities to check the well going of protocols and develop an ethical way of working with animals in the long term.

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