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Genome engineering with Cas9 and AAV repair templates, successes and pitfalls.

Birling MC, Hérault Y, Pavlovic G
Mamm Genome 2025 Jan 13

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A closer look at the Laboratory Animal Genetic Reporting (LAG-R) guidelines.

Le Bras A
Lab Anim (Ny) 2024 Sep;53(9):215-216

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Distinct origin and region-dependent contribution of stromal fibroblasts to fibrosis following traumatic injury in mice.

Holl D, Hau WF, Julien A, Banitalebi S, Kalkitsas J, Savant S, Llorens-Bobadilla E, Herault Y, Pavlovic G, Amiry-Moghaddam M, Dias DO, Göritz C
Nat Neurosci 2024 Jul;27(7):1285-1298

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Impact of essential genes on the success of genome editing experiments generating 3313 new genetically engineered mouse lines.

Elrick H, Peterson KA, Willis BJ, Lanza DG, Acar EF, Ryder EJ, Teboul L, Kasparek P, Birling MC, Adams DJ, Bradley A, Braun RE, Brown SD, Caulder A, Codner GF, DeMayo FJ, Dickinson ME, Doe B, Duddy G, Gertsenstein M, Goodwin LO, Hérault Y, Lintott LG, Lloyd KCK, Lorenzo I, Mackenzie M, Mallon AM, McKerlie C, Parkinson H, Ramirez-Solis R, Seavitt JR, Sedlacek R, Skarnes WC, Smedley D, Wells S, White JK, Wood JA, Murray SA, Heaney JD, Nutter LMJ
Sci Rep 2024 Sep 30;14(1):22626

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Improving laboratory animal genetic reporting: LAG-R guidelines.

Teboul L, Amos-Landgraf J, Benavides FJ, Birling MC, Brown SDM, Bryda E, Bunton-Stasyshyn R, Chin HJ, Crispo M, Delerue F, Dobbie M, Franklin CL, Fuchtbauer EM, Gao X, Golzio C, Haffner R, Hérault Y, Hrabe de Angelis M, Lloyd KCK, Magnuson TR, Montoliu L, Murray SA, Nam KH, Nutter LMJ, Pailhoux E, Pardo Manuel de Villena F, Peterson K, Reinholdt L, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Shiroishi T, Smith C, Takeo T, Tinsley L, Vilotte JL, Warming S, Wells S, Whitelaw CB, Yoshiki A, Pavlovic G
Nat Commun 2024 Jul 2;15(1):5574

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Interruption of the visual cycle in a novel animal model induces progressive vision loss resembling Stargardts Disease.

Sassone F, Estay-Ahumada C, Roux MJ, Ciocca D, Rossolillo P, Birling MC, Sparrow JR, Montenegro D, Hicks D
Sci Rep 2024 Dec 28;14(1):30880

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Long-read sequencing for fast and robust identification of correct genome-edited alleles: PCR-based and Cas9 capture methods.

McCabe CV, Price PD, Codner GF, Allan AJ, Caulder A, Christou S, Loeffler J, Mackenzie M, Malzer E, Mianné J, Nowicki KJ, O'Neill EJ, Pike FJ, Hutchison M, Petit-Demoulière B, Stewart ME, Gates H, Wells S, Sanderson ND, Teboul L
Plos Genet 2024 Mar;20(3):e1011187

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The COL6A5-p.Glu2272* mutation induces chronic itch in mice.

Rasheed AAB, Birling MC, Lauria G, Gaveriaux-Ruff C, Herault Y
Mamm Genome 2024 Jun;35(2):122-134

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The Rogdi knockout mouse is a model for Kohlschütter-Tönz syndrome.

Jimenez-Armijo A, Morkmued S, Ahumada JT, Kharouf N, de Feraudy Y, Gogl G, Riet F, Niederreither K, Laporte J, Birling MC, Selloum M, Herault Y, Hernandez M, Bloch-Zupan A
Sci Rep 2024 Jan 3;14(1):445

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A conditional null allele of Dync1h1 enables targeted analyses of dynein roles in neuronal length sensing.

Di Pizio A, Marvaldi L, Birling MC, Okladnikov N, Dupuis L, Fainzilber M, Rishal I
J Cell Sci 2023 Mar 1;136(5):

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A human dynein heavy chain mutation impacts cortical progenitor cells causing developmental defects, reduced brain size and altered brain architecture.

Romero DM, Zaidi D, Cifuentes-Diaz C, Maillard C, Grannec G, Selloum M, Birling MC, Bahi-Buisson N, Francis F
Neurobiol Dis 2023 May;180():106085

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A systematic review of the development and application of home cage monitoring in laboratory mice and rats.

Kahnau P, Mieske P, Wilzopolski J, Kalliokoski O, Mandillo S, Hölter SM, Voikar V, Amfim A, Badurek S, Bartelik A, Caruso A, Čater M, Ey E, Golini E, Jaap A, Hrncic D, Kiryk A, Lang B, Loncarevic-Vasiljkovic N, Meziane H, Radzevičienė A, Rivalan M, Scattoni ML, Torquet N, Trifkovic J, Ulfhake B, Thöne-Reineke C, Diederich K, Lewejohann L, Hohlbaum K
Bmc Biol 2023 Nov 13;21(1):256

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Changes in social behavior with MAPK2 and KCTD13/CUL3 pathways alterations in two new outbred rat models for the 16p11.2 syndromes with autism spectrum disorders.

Martin Lorenzo S, Muniz Moreno MDM, Atas H, Pellen M, Nalesso V, Raffelsberger W, Prevost G, Lindner L, Birling MC, Menoret S, Tesson L, Negroni L, Concordet JP, Anegon I, Herault Y
Front Neurosci 2023 ;17():1148683

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Comprehensive ECG reference intervals in C57BL/6N substrains provide a generalizable guide for cardiac electrophysiology studies in mice.

Oestereicher MA, Wotton JM, Ayabe S, Bou About G, Cheng TK, Choi JH, Clary D, Dew EM, Elfertak L, Guimond A, Haseli Mashhadi H, Heaney JD, Kelsey L, Keskivali-Bond P, Lopez Gomez F, Marschall S, McFarland M, Meziane H, Munoz Fuentes V, Nam KH, Nichtová Z, Pimm D, Bower L, Prochazka J, Rozman J, Santos L, Stewart M, Tanaka N, Ward CS, Willett AME, Wilson R, Braun RE, Dickinson ME, Flenniken AM, Herault Y, Lloyd KCK, Mallon AM, McKerlie C, Murray SA, Nutter LMJ, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Sorg T, Tamura M, Wells S, Schneltzer E, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Hrabe de Angelis M, White JK, Spielmann N
Mamm Genome 2023 Jun;34(2):180-199

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CRISMERE Chromosome Engineering in Mouse and Rat

Laurence Schaeffer, Loic Lindner, Guillaume Pavlovic, Yann Hérault & Marie-Christine Birling
Methods Mol Biol. 2023 31/03/2023;2631():277-297

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Development of HPV16 mouse and dog models for more accurate prediction of human vaccine efficacy.

Totain E, Lindner L, Martin N, Misseri Y, Iché A, Birling MC, Sorg T, Herault Y, Bousquet-Melou A, Bouillé P, Duthoit C, Pavlovic G, Boullier S
Lab Anim Res 2023 Jun 12;39(1):14

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Dissecting the autism-associated 16p11.2 locus identifies multiple drivers in neuroanatomical phenotypes and unveils a male-specific role for the major vault protein.

Kretz PF, Wagner C, Mikhaleva A, Montillot C, Hugel S, Morella I, Kannan M, Fischer MC, Milhau M, Yalcin I, Brambilla R, Selloum M, Herault Y, Reymond A, Collins SC, Yalcin B
Genome Biol 2023 Nov 15;24(1):261

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Genome-wide screening reveals the genetic basis of mammalian embryonic eye development.

Chee JM, Lanoue L, Clary D, Higgins K, Bower L, Flenniken A, Guo R, Adams DJ, Bosch F, Braun RE, Brown SDM, Chin HG, Dickinson ME, Hsu CW, Dobbie M, Gao X, Galande S, Grobler A, Heaney JD, Herault Y, de Angelis MH, Mammano F, Nutter LMJ, Parkinson H, Qin C, Shiroishi T, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Xu Y, Brooks B, McKerlie C, Lloyd KCK, Westerberg H, Moshiri A
Bmc Biol 2023 Feb 3;21(1):22

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How much do we know about the function of mammalian genes?

Teboul L, Hérault Y, Wells S, Pavlovic G
Bmc Biol 2023 Dec 29;21(1):301

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IL-3 produced by T cells is crucial for basophil extravasation in hapten-induced allergic contact dermatitis.

Hachem CE, Marschall P, Hener P, Karnam A, Bonam SR, Meyer P, Flatter E, Birling MC, Bayry J, Li M
Front Immunol 2023 ;14():1151468

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Increased On-Target Rate and Risk of Concatemerization after CRISPR-Enhanced Targeting in ES Cells

Valérie Erbs, Romain Lorentz, Benjamin Eisenman, Laurence Schaeffer, Laurence Luppi, Loic Lindner, Yann Hérault, Guillaume Pavlovic, ,Marie Wattenhofer-Donzé and Marie-Christine Birling
Genes 2023 03/02/2023;14(2023):401

INFRAFRONTIER: mouse model resources for modelling human diseases.

Ali Khan A, Valera Vazquez G, Gustems M, Matteoni R, Song F, Gormanns P, Fessele S, Raess M, Hrabĕ de Angelis M
Mamm Genome 2023 Sep;34(3):408-417

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Prolonged nicotine exposure reduces aversion to the drug in mice by altering nicotinic transmission in the interpeduncular nucleus.

Mondoloni S, Nguyen C, Vicq E, Ciscato M, Jehl J, Durand-de Cuttoli R, Torquet N, Tolu S, Pons S, Maskos U, Marti F, Faure P, Mourot A
Elife 2023 May 30;12():

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Timeline of Developmental Defects Generated upon Genetic Inhibition of the Retinoic Acid Receptor Signaling Pathway

Marius Teletin, Manuel Mark, Olivia Wendling, Nadège Vernet, Betty Féret, Muriel Klopfenstein, Yann Herault, Norbert B. Ghyselinck
Biomedicines 2023 ;1(11):198

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AAV-delivered diacylglycerol kinase DGKk achieves long-term rescue of fragile X syndrome mouse model.

Habbas K, Cakil O, Zámbó B, Tabet R, Riet F, Dembele D, Mandel JL, Hocquemiller M, Laufer R, Piguet F, Moine H
Embo Mol Med 2022 May 9;14(5):e14649

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Analysis of genome-wide knockout mouse database identifies candidate ciliopathy genes.

Higgins K, Moore BA, Berberovic Z, Adissu HA, Eskandarian M, Flenniken AM, Shao A, Imai DM, Clary D, Lanoue L, Newbigging S, Nutter LMJ, Adams DJ, Bosch F, Braun RE, Brown SDM, Dickinson ME, Dobbie M, Flicek P, Gao X, Galande S, Grobler A, Heaney JD, Herault Y, de Angelis MH, Chin HG, Mammano F, Qin C, Shiroishi T, Sedlacek R, Seong JK, Xu Y, Lloyd KCK, McKerlie C, Moshiri A
Sci Rep 2022 Dec 1;12(1):20791

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Behavioral Testing Design for Evaluation of Cognitive Disabilities.

Riet F, Mittelhaeuser C, Lux A, Bour R, Selloum M, Sorg T, Herault Y, Meziane H
Curr Protoc 2022 Feb;2(2):e382

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Extensive identification of genes involved in congenital and structural heart disorders and cardiomyopathy

Nadine Spielmann, Gregor Miller, Tudor I. Oprea, Chih-Wei Hsu, Gisela Fobo, Goar Frishman, Corinna Montrone, Hamed Haseli Mashhadi, Jeremy Mason, Violeta Munoz Fuentes, Stefanie Leuchtenberger, Andreas Ruepp, Matias Wagner, Dominik S. Westphal, Cordula Wolf, Agnes Görlach, Adrián Sanz-Moreno, Yi-Li Cho, Raffaele Teperino, Stefan Brandmaier, Sapna Sharma, Isabella Rikarda Galter, Manuela A. Östereicher, Lilly Zapf, Philipp Mayer-Kuckuk, Jan Rozman, Lydia Teboul, Rosie K. A. Bunton-Stasyshyn, Heather Cater, Michelle Stewart, Skevoulla Christou, Henrik Westerberg, Amelia M. Willett, Janine M. Wotton, Willson B. Roper, Audrey E. Christiansen, Christopher S. Ward, Jason D. Heaney, Corey L. Reynolds, Jan Prochazka, Lynette Bower, David Clary, Mohammed Selloum, Ghina Bou About, Olivia Wendling, Hugues Jacobs, Sophie Leblanc, Hamid Meziane, Tania Sorg, Enrique Audain, Arthur Gilly, Nigel W. Rayner, IMPC consortium, Genomics England Research Consortium, Marc-Phillip Hitz, Eleftheria Zeggini, Eckhard Wolf, Radislav Sedlacek, Steven A. Murray, Karen L. Svenson, Robert E. Braun, Jaqueline K. White, Lois Kelsey, Xiang Gao, Toshihiko Shiroishi, Ying Xu, Je Kyung Seong, Fabio Mammano, Glauco P. Tocchini-Valentini, Arthur L. Beaudet, Terrence F. Meehan, Helen Parkinson, Damian Smedley, Ann-Marie Mallon, Sara E. Wells, Harald Grallert, Wolfgang Wurst, Susan Marschall, Helmut Fuchs, Steve D. M. Brown, Ann M. Flenniken, Lauryl M. J. Nutter, Colin McKerlie, Yann Herault, K. C. Kent Lloyd, Mary E. Dickinson, Valerie Gailus-Durner & Martin Hrabe de Angelis
Nature 2022

HRAS germline mutations impair LKB1/AMPK signaling and mitochondrial homeostasis in Costello syndrome models.

Dard L, Hubert C, Esteves P, Blanchard W, Bou About G, Baldasseroni L, Dumon E, Angelini C, Delourme M, Guyonnet-Dupérat V, Claverol S, Fontenille L, Kissa K, Séguéla PE, Thambo JB, Nicolas L, Herault Y, Bellance N, Dias Amoedo N, Magdinier F, Sorg T, Lacombe D, Rossignol R
J Clin Invest 2022 Apr 15;132(8):

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Keratinocyte-derived cytokine TSLP promotes growth and metastasis of melanoma by regulating the tumor-associated immune microenvironment.

Yao W, German B, Chraa D, Braud A, Hugel C, Meyer P, Davidson G, Laurette P, Mengus G, Flatter E, Marschall P, Segaud J, Guivarch M, Hener P, Birling MC, Lipsker D, Davidson I, Li M
Jci Insight 2022 Nov 8;7(21):

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Large-Scale Functional Assessment of Genes Involved in Rare Diseases with Intellectual Disabilities Unravels Unique Developmental and Behaviour Profiles in Mouse Models.

Meziane H, Birling MC, Wendling O, Leblanc S, Dubos A, Selloum M, Pavlovic G, Sorg T, Kalscheuer VM, Billuart P, Laumonnier F, Chelly J, van Bokhoven H, Herault Y
Biomedicines 2022 Dec 6;10(12):

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Loss of low-molecular-weight protein tyrosine phosphatase shows limited improvement in glucose tolerance but causes mild cardiac hypertrophy in mice.

Jensen-Cody S, Coyne ES, Ding X, Sebin A, Vogel J, Goldstein J, Rosahl TW, Zhou HH, Jacobs H, Champy MF, About GB, Talukdar S, Zhou Y
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2022 Jun 1;322(6):E517-E527

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The Human SCN9A (R185H) Point Mutation Induces Pain Hypersensitivity and Spontaneous Pain in Mice.

Xue Y, Kremer M, Muniz Moreno MDM, Chidiac C, Lorentz R, Birling MC, Barrot M, Herault Y, Gaveriaux-Ruff C
Front Mol Neurosci 2022 ;15():913990

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Ts66Yah, a mouse model of Down syndrome with improved construct and face validity.

Duchon A, Del Mar Muñiz Moreno M, Chevalier C, Nalesso V, Andre P, Fructuoso-Castellar M, Mondino M, Po C, Noblet V, Birling MC, Potier MC, Herault Y
Dis Model Mech 2022 Dec 1;15(12):

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A resource of targeted mutant mouse lines for 5,061 genes.

Birling MC, Yoshiki A, Adams DJ, Ayabe S, Beaudet AL, Bottomley J, Bradley A, Brown SDM, Bürger A, Bushell W, Chiani F, Chin HG, Christou S, Codner GF, DeMayo FJ, Dickinson ME, Doe B, Donahue LR, Fray MD, Gambadoro A, Gao X, Gertsenstein M, Gomez-Segura A, Goodwin LO, Heaney JD, Hérault Y, de Angelis MH, Jiang ST, Justice MJ, Kasparek P, King RE, Kühn R, Lee H, Lee YJ, Liu Z, Lloyd KCK, Lorenzo I, Mallon AM, McKerlie C, Meehan TF, Fuentes VM, Newman S, Nutter LMJ, Oh GT, Pavlovic G, Ramirez-Solis R, Rosen B, Ryder EJ, Santos LA, Schick J, Seavitt JR, Sedlacek R, Seisenberger C, Seong JK, Skarnes WC, Sorg T, Steel KP, Tamura M, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Wang CL, Wardle-Jones H, Wattenhofer-Donzé M, Wells S, Wiles MV, Willis BJ, Wood JA, Wurst W, Xu Y, Teboul L, Murray SA
Nat Genet 2021 Apr;53(4):416-419

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Building the Future Therapies for Down Syndrome: The Third International Conference of the T21 Research Society

Dierssen M.a,b,c · Herault Y.d · Helguera P.e · Martínez de Lagran M.a,c · Vazquez A.b · Christian B.f · Carmona-Iragui M.g,h · Wiseman F.i · Mobley W.j · Fisher E.M.C.k · Brault V.d · Esbensen A.l · Jacola L.M.m · Potier M.C.n · Hamlett E.D.o · Abbeduto L.p · del Hoyo Soriano L.p · Busciglio J.q · Iulita M.F.r · Crispino J.s · Malinge S.t · Barone E.u · Perluigi M.u · Costanzo F.v · Delabar J.M.n · Bartesaghi R.w · Dekker A.D.x · De Deyn P.x,y · Fortea Ormaechea J.g,h · Shaw P.A.z · Haydar T.F.z · Sherman S.L.A · Strydom A.B · Bhattacharyya A.f
Molecular Syndromology 2021 MAY 2021

Characterization of the spontaneous degenerative mitral valve disease in FVB mice.

Ayme-Dietrich E, Da Silva S, Bouabout GA, Arnoux A, Guyonnet J, Becker G, Monassier L
Plos One 2021 ;16(9):e0257022

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Droplet digital PCR or quantitative PCR for in-depth genomic and functional validation of genetically altered rodents.

Lindner L, Cayrou P, Rosahl TW, Zhou HH, Birling MC, Herault Y, Pavlovic G
Methods 2021 Jul;191():107-119

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Dyrk1a gene dosage in glutamatergic neurons has key effects in cognitive deficits observed in mouse models of MRD7 and Down syndrome.

Brault V, Nguyen TL, Flores-Gutiérrez J, Iacono G, Birling MC, Lalanne V, Meziane H, Manousopoulou A, Pavlovic G, Lindner L, Selloum M, Sorg T, Yu E, Garbis SD, Hérault Y
Plos Genet 2021 Sep;17(9):e1009777

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HDAC inhibitor ameliorates behavioral deficits in Mecp2(308/y) mouse model of Rett syndrome.

Lebrun N, Delépine C, Selloum M, Meziane H, Nectoux J, Herault Y, Bienvenu T
Brain Res 2021 Dec 1;1772():147670

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High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy for Qualitative and Quantitative Data in Phenotyping Altered Embryos and Adult Mice Using the New "Histo3D" System.

Wendling O, Hentsch D, Jacobs H, Lemercier N, Taubert S, Pertuy F, Vonesch JL, Sorg T, Di Michele M, Le Cam L, Rosahl T, Carballo-Jane E, Liu M, Mu J, Mark M, Herault Y
Biomedicines 2021 Jul 1;9(7):

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Importing genetically altered animals: ensuring quality.

Birling MC, Fray MD, Kasparek P, Kopkanova J, Massimi M, Matteoni R, Montoliu L, Nutter LMJ, Raspa M, Rozman J, Ryder EJ, Scavizzi F, Voikar V, Wells S, Pavlovic G, Teboul L
Mamm Genome 2021 Sep 18

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INFRAFRONTIER quality principles in systemic phenotyping.

Ehlich H, Cater HL, Flenniken AM, Goncalves Da Cruz I, Mura AM, Ntafis V, Raess M, Selloum M, Stoeger C, Suchanova S, Vuolteenaho R, Brown SDM, Hérault Y, Hinttala R, Hrabě de Angelis M, Kollias G, Kontoyiannis DL, Malissen B, McKerlie C, Sedláček R, Wells SE, Zarubica A, Rozman J, Sorg T
Mamm Genome 2021 Jul 30

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Integrative approach to interpret DYRK1A variants, leading to a frequent neurodevelopmental disorder.

Courraud J, Chater-Diehl E, Durand B, Vincent M, Del Mar Muniz Moreno M, Boujelbene I, Drouot N, Genschik L, Schaefer E, Nizon M, Gerard B, Abramowicz M, Cogné B, Bronicki L, Burglen L, Barth M, Charles P, Colin E, Coubes C, David A, Delobel B, Demurger F, Passemard S, Denommé AS, Faivre L, Feger C, Fradin M, Francannet C, Genevieve D, Goldenberg A, Guerrot AM, Isidor B, Johannesen KM, Keren B, Kibæk M, Kuentz P, Mathieu-Dramard M, Demeer B, Metreau J, Steensbjerre Møller R, Moutton S, Pasquier L, Pilekær Sørensen K, Perrin L, Renaud M, Saugier P, Rio M, Svane J, Thevenon J, Tran Mau Them F, Tronhjem CE, Vitobello A, Layet V, Auvin S, Khachnaoui K, Birling MC, Drunat S, Bayat A, Dubourg C, El Chehadeh S, Fagerberg C, Mignot C, Guipponi M, Bienvenu T, Herault Y, Thompson J, Willems M, Mandel JL, Weksberg R, Piton A
Genet Med 2021 Aug 3

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Introduction to mammalian genome special issue: the microbiome in human health and disease.

Pavlovic G, Seong JK, Weinstock GM
Mamm Genome 2021 Aug;32(4):205

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Microglia-specific knock-down of Bmal1 improves memory and protects mice from high fat diet-induced obesity.

Wang XL, Kooijman S, Gao Y, Tzeplaeff L, Cosquer B, Milanova I, Wolff SEC, Korpel N, Champy MF, Petit-Demoulière B, Goncalves Da Cruz I, Sorg-Guss T, Rensen PCN, Cassel JC, Kalsbeek A, Boutillier AL, Yi CX
Mol Psychiatry 2021 May 28

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Multi-influential genetic interactions alter behaviour and cognition through six main biological cascades in Down syndrome mouse models.

Duchon A, Del Mar Muniz Moreno M, Martin Lorenzo S, Silva de Souza MP, Chevalier C, Nalesso V, Meziane H, Loureiro de Sousa P, Noblet V, Armspach JP, Brault V, Herault Y
Hum Mol Genet 2021 May 28;30(9):771-788

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Pathogenesis of Anorectal Malformations in Retinoic Acid Receptor Knockout Mice Studied by HREM.

Mark M, Teletin M, Wendling O, Vonesch JL, Féret B, Hérault Y, Ghyselinck NB
Biomedicines 2021 Jun 28;9(7):

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Reliable and robust droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and RT-ddPCR protocols for mouse studies.

Lindner L, Cayrou P, Jacquot S, Birling MC, Herault Y, Pavlovic G
Methods 2021 Jul;191():95-106

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SCA7 Mouse Cerebellar Pathology Reveals Preferential Downregulation of Key Purkinje Cell-Identity Genes and Shared Disease Signature with SCA1 and SCA2.

Niewiadomska-Cimicka A, Doussau F, Perot JB, Roux MJ, Keime C, Hache A, Piguet F, Novati A, Weber C, Yalcin B, Meziane H, Champy MF, Grandgirard E, Karam A, Messaddeq N, Eisenmann A, Brouillet E, Nguyen HHP, Flament J, Isope P, Trottier Y
J Neurosci 2021 Jun 2;41(22):4910-4936

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Targeting the RHOA pathway improves learning and memory in adult Kctd13 and 16p11.2 deletion mouse models.

Martin Lorenzo S, Nalesso V, Chevalier C, Birling MC, Herault Y
Mol Autism 2021 Jan 13;12(1):1

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Aggregation and Amyloidogenicity of the Nuclear Coactivator Binding Domain of CREB-Binding Protein.

Garcia AM, Giorgiutti C, El Khoury Y, Bauer V, Spiegelhalter C, Leize-Wagner E, Hellwig P, Potier N, Torbeev V
Chemistry 2020 Aug 6;26(44):9889-9899

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Antinociceptive Effects of Potent, Selective and Brain Penetrant Muscarinic M4 Positive Allosteric Modulators in Rodent Pain Models.

Grauer SM(1), Sanoja R(2), Poulin D(3), Rashid H(3), Jochnowitz N(4), Calhoun M(4), Zwilling D(4), Varty GB(4), Rosahl TW(4), Meziane H(5), Mittlelhaeuser C(5), Mazzola R(4), Morrow J(2), Smith SM(2), Henze D(2), Marcus J(2).
Brain Res 2020 Mar 29:146814

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BAHD1 haploinsufficiency results in anxiety-like phenotypes in male mice.

Pourpre R, Naudon L, Meziane H, Lakisic G, Jouneau L, Varet H, Legendre R, Wendling O, Selloum M, Proux C, Coppée JY, Herault Y, Bierne H
Plos One 2020 ;15(5):e0232789

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Conditional switching of KIF2A mutation provides new insights into cortical malformations pathogeny.

Gilet J(1)(2)(3)(4), Ivanova E(1)(2)(3)(4), Trofimova D(3), Rudolf G(1)(2)(3)(4), Meziane H(4), Broix L(1)(2)(3)(4), Drouot N(1)(2)(3)(4), Courraud J(1)(2)(3)(4), Skory V(1)(2)(3)(4), Voulleminot P(5), Osipenko M(1)(2)(3)(4), Bahi-Buisson N(6), Yalcin B(1)(2)(3)(4), Birling MC(4), Hinckelmann MV(1)(2)(3)(4), Kwok BH(7)(8), Allingham JS(3), Chelly J(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(9)(10).
Hum Mol Genet 2020 Jan 10

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Genetic quality assurance and genetic monitoring of laboratory mice and rats: FELASA Working Group Report.

Benavides F, Rülicke T, Prins JB, Bussell J, Scavizzi F, Cinelli P, Herault Y, Wedekind D
Lab Anim 2020 Apr;54(2):135-148

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High-throughput discovery of genetic determinants of circadian misalignment.

Zhang T(1), Xie P(1), Dong Y(1), Liu Z(1), Zhou F(1), Pan D(1), Huang Z(1), Zhai Q(1), Gu Y(1), Wu Q(2)(3), Tanaka N(4), Obata Y(4), Bradley A(5), Lelliott CJ(5); Sanger Institute Mouse Genetics Project, Nutter LMJ(6), McKerlie C(6), Flenniken AM(6), Champy MF(7), Sorg T(7), Herault Y(7), Angelis MH(8)(9), Durner VG(8), Mallon AM(10), Brown SDM(10), Meehan T(11), Parkinson HE(11), Smedley D(12), Lloyd KCK(13), Yan J(14), Gao X(14), Seong JK(15), Wang CL(16), Sedlacek R(9), Liu Y(17), Rozman J(8)(9)(18), Yang L(1), Xu Y(1)(3).
Plos Genet 2020 Jan 13;16(1):e1008577

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Human and mouse essentiality screens as a resource for disease gene discovery.

Cacheiro P(1), Muñoz-Fuentes V(2), Murray SA(3), Dickinson ME(4)(5), Bucan M(6), Nutter LMJ(7), Peterson KA(3), Haselimashhadi H(2), Flenniken AM(8), Morgan H(9), Westerberg H(9), Konopka T(1), Hsu CW(4), Christiansen A(4), Lanza DG(5), Beaudet AL(5), Heaney JD(5), Fuchs H(10), Gailus-Durner V(10), Sorg T(11), Prochazka J(12), Novosadova V(12), Lelliott CJ(13), Wardle-Jones H(13), Wells S(9), Teboul L(9), Cater H(9), Stewart M(9), Hough T(9), Wurst W(14)(15)(16), Sedlacek R(12), Adams DJ(13), Seavitt JR(5), Tocchini-Valentini G(17), Mammano F(17), Braun RE(3), McKerlie C(7)(18), Herault Y(19), de Angelis MH(10)(20)(21), Mallon AM(9), Lloyd KCK(22), Brown SDM(9), Parkinson H(2), Meehan TF(2), Smedley D(23); Genomics England Research Consortium; International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium.
Nat Commun 2020 Jan 31;11(1):655

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Introduction to Mammalian Genome Special Issue: Epigenetics.

Beckers J, Teperino R, Hérault Y, Hrabé de Angelis M
Mamm Genome 2020 Jun;31(5-6):117-118

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Modeling Down syndrome in animals from the early stage to the 4.0 models and next.

Muñiz Moreno MDM, Brault V, Birling MC, Pavlovic G, Herault Y
Prog Brain Res 2020 ;251():91-143

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PATHBIO: an international training program for precision mouse phenotyping.

Ruberte J, Schofield PN, Brakebusch C, Vogel P, Herault Y, Gracia G, McKerlie C, Hrabĕ de Angelis M, Hagn M, Sundberg JP
Mamm Genome 2020 Feb;31(1-2):49-53

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Soft windowing application to improve analysis of high-throughput phenotyping data.

Haselimashhadi H, Mason JC, Munoz-Fuentes V, López-Gómez F, Babalola K, Acar EF, Kumar V, White J, Flenniken AM, King R, Straiton E, Seavitt JR, Gaspero A, Garza A, Christianson AE, Hsu CW, Reynolds CL, Lanza DG, Lorenzo I, Green JR, Gallegos JJ, Bohat R, Samaco RC, Veeraragavan S, Kim JK, Miller G, Fuchs H, Garrett L, Becker L, Kang YK, Clary D, Cho SY, Tamura M, Tanaka N, Soo KD, Bezginov A, About GB, Champy MF, Vasseur L, Leblanc S, Meziane H, Selloum M, Reilly PT, Spielmann N, Maier H, Gailus-Durner V, Sorg T, Hiroshi M, Yuichi O, Heaney JD, Dickinson ME, Wolfgang W, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Lloyd KCK, McKerlie C, Seong JK, Yann H, de Angelis MH, Brown SDM, Smedley D, Flicek P, Mallon AM, Parkinson H, Meehan TF
Bioinformatics 2020 Mar 1;36(5):1492-1500

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Variability in Genome Editing Outcomes: Challenges for Research Reproducibility and Clinical Safety.

Teboul L, Herault Y, Wells S, Qasim W, Pavlovic G
Mol Ther 2020 Jun 3;28(6):1422-1431

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Cbs overdosage is necessary and sufficient to induce cognitive phenotypes in mouse models of Down syndrome and interacts genetically with Dyrk1a.

Marechal D(1)(2)(3)(4), Brault V(1)(2)(3)(4), Leon A(5), Martin D(1)(2)(3)(4), Pereira PL(6), Loaec N(5), Birling MC(7), Friocourt G(5), Blondel M(5), Herault Y(1)(2)(3)(4)(7).
Hum Mol Genet 2019 May 1;28(9):1561-1577

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Erratum: Author Correction: Identification of genes required for eye development by high-throughput screening of mouse knockouts.

Moore BA(1), Leonard BC(#)(2), Sebbag L(#)(1), Edwards SG(1), Cooper A(1), Imai DM(3), Straiton E(4), Santos L(4), Reilly C(3), Griffey SM(3), Bower L(5), Clary D(5), Mason J(6), Roux MJ(7)(8)(9)(10)(11), Meziane H(7)(8)(9)(10)(11), Herault Y(7)(8)(9)(10)(11); International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, McKerlie C(12)(13), Flenniken AM(12)(14), Nutter LMJ(12)(13), Berberovic Z(12)(14), Owen C(12)(14), Newbigging S(12)(14), Adissu H(12)(14), Eskandarian M(12)(14), Hsu CW(15), Kalaga S(15), Udensi U(15), Asomugha C(15), Bohat R(16), Gallegos JJ(16), Seavitt JR(16), Heaney JD(16), Beaudet AL(16), Dickinson ME(15)(16), Justice MJ(12)(13)(16), Philip V(17), Kumar V(17), Svenson KL(17), Braun RE(17), Wells S(4), Cater H(4), Stewart M(4), Clementson-Mobbs S(4), Joynson R(4), Gao X(18), Suzuki T(19), Wakana S(19), Smedley D(20), Seong JK(21), Tocchini-Valentini G(22), Moore M(23), Fletcher C(24), Karp N(25), Ramirez-Solis R(25), White JK(17)(25), de Angelis MH(26), Wurst W(26), Thomasy SM(2)(27), Flicek P(6), Parkinson H(6), Brown SDM(4), Meehan TF(6), Nishina PM(17), Murray SA(17), Krebs MP(17), Mallon AM(4), Kent Lloyd KC(5), Murphy CJ(2)(27), Moshiri A(27).
Commun Biol 2019 Mar 7;2():97

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HENA, heterogeneous network-based data set for Alzheimer's disease.

Sugis E(1)(2), Dauvillier J(3), Leontjeva A(4), Adler P(1)(2), Hindie V(5), Moncion T(5), Collura V(5), Daudin R(6)(7), Loe-Mie Y(8), Herault Y(9), Lambert JC(10), Hermjakob H(11), Pupko T(12), Rain JC(5), Xenarios I(13)(14)(15)(16), Vilo J(1)(2), Simonneau M(17)(18), Peterson H(19)(20).
Sci Data 2019 Aug 14;6(1):151

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Oligogenic Effects of 16p11.2 Copy-Number Variation on Craniofacial Development.

Qiu Y(1), Arbogast T(2), Lorenzo SM(3), Li H(1), Tang SC(4), Richardson E(2), Hong O(4), Cho S(4), Shanta O(5), Pang T(4), Corsello C(6), Deutsch CK(7), Chevalier C(3), Davis EE(2), Iakoucheva LM(4), Herault Y(3), Katsanis N(2), Messer K(1), Sebat J(8).
Cell Rep 2019 Sep 24;28(13):3320-3328

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Optimizing PCR for Mouse Genotyping: Recommendations for Reliable, Rapid, Cost Effective, Robust and Adaptable to High-Throughput Genotyping Protocol for Any Type of Mutation.

Jacquot S(1), Chartoire N(1), Piguet F(2), Herault Y(1)(3), Pavlovic G(1).
Curr Protoc Mouse Biol 2019 Dec;9(4):e65

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Severe head dysgenesis resulting from imbalance between anterior and posterior ontogenetic programs.

Grall E(1), Gourain V(2), Nair A(1), Martin E(1), Birling MC(3), Freund JN(4), Duluc I(5).
Cell Death Dis 2019 Oct 24;10(11):812

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The Human-Specific BOLA2 Duplication Modifies Iron Homeostasis and Anemia Predisposition in Chromosome 16p11.2 Autism Individuals.

Giannuzzi G(1), Schmidt PJ(2), Porcu E(3), Willemin G(4), Munson KM(5), Nuttle X(5), Earl R(6), Chrast J(4), Hoekzema K(5), Risso D(5), Mannik K(4), De Nittis P(4), Baratz ED(7); 16p11.2 Consortium, Herault Y(8), Gao X(9), Philpott CC(7), Bernier RA(6), Kutalik Z(10), Fleming MD(2), Eichler EE(11), Reymond A(4).
Am J Hum Genet 2019 Oct 21

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The neuroanatomy of Eml1 knockout mice, a model of subcortical heterotopia.

Collins SC(1)(2)(3)(4)(5), Uzquiano A(6)(7)(8), Selloum M(1)(2)(3)(4)(9), Wendling O(1)(2)(3)(4)(9), Gaborit M(1)(2)(3)(4), Osipenko M(1)(2)(3)(4), Birling MC(1)(2)(3)(4)(9), Yalcin B(1)(2)(3)(4), Francis F(6)(7)(8).
J Anat 2019 Jun 7

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Transgenic mouse models expressing human and macaque prion protein exhibit similar prion susceptibility on a strain-dependent manner.

Espinosa JC(1), Comoy EE(2), Marin-Moreno A(3), Aguilar-Calvo P(3), Birling MC(4), Pitarch JL(3), Deslys JP(2), Torres JM(5).
Sci Rep 2019 Oct 30;9(1):15699

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TUBG1 missense variants underlying cortical malformations disrupt neuronal locomotion and microtubule dynamics but not neurogenesis.

Ivanova EL(1)(2)(3)(4), Gilet JG(1)(2)(3)(4), Sulimenko V(5), Duchon A(1)(2)(3)(4), Rudolf G(1)(2)(3)(4), Runge K(1)(2)(3)(4), Collins SC(1)(2)(3)(4)(6), Asselin L(1)(2)(3)(4), Broix L(1)(2)(3)(4), Drouot N(1)(2)(3)(4), Tilly P(1)(2)(3)(4), Nusbaum P(7), Vincent A(1)(2)(4), Magnant W(1)(2)(4), Skory V(1)(2)(3)(4), Birling MC(8), Pavlovic G(8), Godin JD(1)(2)(3)(4), Yalcin B(1)(2)(3)(4), Herault Y(1)(2)(3)(4), Draber P(5), Chelly J(1)(2)(3)(4)(9)(10), Hinckelmann MV(11)(12)(13)(14).
Nat Commun 2019 May 13;10(1):2129

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Ultrasound-Guided Approaches to Improve Orthotopic Mouse Xenograft Models for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

Bou About G(1), Thiebault E(1), Wattenhofer-Donze M(1), Jacobs H(1), Guimond A(1), Sorg T(1), Robinet E(2), Baumert TF(2), Monassier L(1)(3)(4), Herault Y(1)(5)(6).
Curr Protoc Mouse Biol 2019 Jun;9(2):e62

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A new mouse model of ARX dup24 recapitulates the patients' behavioral and fine motor alterations.

Dubos A(1)(2)(3)(4), Meziane H(4), Iacono G(5), Curie A(6), Riet F(4), Martin C(7), Loaec N(8), Birling MC(4), Selloum M(4), Normand E(7)(9), Pavlovic G(4), Sorg T(4), Stunnenberg HG(5), Chelly J(1)(2)(3)(10), Humeau Y(7), Friocourt G(8), Herault Y(1)(2)(3)(4).
Hum Mol Genet 2018 Jun 15;27(12):2138-2153

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A Population Study of Common Ocular Abnormalities in C57BL/6N rd8 Mice.

Moore BA(1), Roux MJ(2)(3)(4)(5), Sebbag L(1), Cooper A(1), Edwards SG(1), Leonard BC(1), Imai DM(6), Griffey S(6), Bower L(7), Clary D(7), Lloyd KCK(7)(8), Herault Y(2)(3)(4)(5)(9), Thomasy SM(10)(11), Murphy CJ(10)(11), Moshiri A(11).
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2018 May 1;59(6):2252-2261

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Correction of cognitive deficits in mouse models of Down syndrome by a pharmacological inhibitor of DYRK1A.

Nguyen TL(1)(2)(3)(4)(5), Duchon A(1)(2)(3)(4), Manousopoulou A(6), Loaec N(5), Villiers B(5), Pani G(1)(2)(3)(4), Karatas M(7)(8), Mechling AE(8), Harsan LA(7)(8), Limanton E(9), Bazureau JP(9), Carreaux F(9), Garbis SD(10), Meijer L(11), Herault Y(12)(2)(3)(4).
Dis Model Mech 2018 Sep 27;11(9):pii: dmm035634

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Identification of genes required for eye development by high-throughput screening of mouse knockouts.

Moore BA(1), Leonard BC(#)(2), Sebbag L(#)(1), Edwards SG(1), Cooper A(1), Imai DM(3), Straiton E(4), Santos L(4), Reilly C(3), Griffey SM(3), Bower L(5), Clary D(5), Mason J(6), Roux MJ(7)(8)(9)(10)(11), Meziane H(7)(8)(9)(10)(11), Herault Y(7)(8)(9)(10)(11); International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, McKerlie C(12)(13), Flenniken AM(12)(14), Nutter LMJ(12)(13), Berberovic Z(12)(14), Owen C(12)(14), Newbigging S(12)(14), Adissu H(12)(14), Eskandarian M(12)(14), Hsu CW(15), Kalaga S(15), Udensi U(15), Asomugha C(15), Bohat R(16), Gallegos JJ(16), Seavitt JR(16), Heaney JD(16), Beaudet AL(16), Dickinson ME(15)(16), Justice MJ(12)(13)(16), Philip V(17), Kumar V(17), Svenson KL(17), Braun RE(17), Wells S(4), Cater H(4), Stewart M(4), Clementson-Mobbs S(4), Joynson R(4), Gao X(18), Suzuki T(19), Wakana S(19), Smedley D(20), Seong JK(21), Tocchini-Valentini G(22), Moore M(23), Fletcher C(24), Karp N(25), Ramirez-Solis R(25), White JK(17)(25), de Angelis MH(26), Wurst W(26), Thomasy SM(2)(27), Flicek P(6), Parkinson H(6), Brown SDM(4), Meehan TF(6), Nishina PM(17), Murray SA(17), Krebs MP(17), Mallon AM(4), Lloyd KCK(5), Murphy CJ(2)(27), Moshiri A(27).
Commun Biol 2018 Dec 21;1():236

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Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping.

Rozman J(1)(2), Rathkolb B(1)(2)(3), Oestereicher MA(1), Schutt C(1), Ravindranath AC(2)(4), Leuchtenberger S(1), Sharma S(2)(5), Kistler M(1), Willershauser M(6)(7)(8), Brommage R(1), Meehan TF(9), Mason J(9), Haselimashhadi H(9); IMPC Consortium, Hough T(10), Mallon AM(10), Wells S(10), Santos L(10), Lelliott CJ(11), White JK(11)(12), Sorg T(13)(14)(15)(16)(17), Champy MF(13)(14)(15)(16)(17), Bower LR(18), Reynolds CL(19), Flenniken AM(20)(21)(22), Murray SA(12), Nutter LMJ(20)(21), Svenson KL(12), West D(23), Tocchini-Valentini GP(24), Beaudet AL(20)(21), Bosch F(25), Braun RB(12), Dobbie MS(26), Gao X(27), Herault Y(13)(14)(15)(16)(17), Moshiri A(28), Moore BA(29), Kent Lloyd KC(18), McKerlie C(20)(21), Masuya H(30), Tanaka N(30), Flicek P(9), Parkinson HE(9), Sedlacek R(31), Seong JK(32), Wang CL(33), Moore M(34), Brown SD(10), Tschop MH(2)(35)(36), Wurst W(37)(38)(39)(40), Klingenspor M(6)(7)(8), Wolf E(2)(3), Beckers J(1)(2)(41), Machicao F(42), Peter A(2)(42)(43), Staiger H(2)(43)(44), Haring HU(2)(42)(43), Grallert H(2)(5)(45), Campillos M(2)(4), Maier H(1), Fuchs H(1), Gailus-Durner V(1), Werner T(46), Hrabe de Angelis M(47)(48)(49).
Nat Commun 2018 Jan 18;9(1):288

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Increased H3K9 methylation and impaired expression of Protocadherins are associated with the cognitive dysfunctions of the Kleefstra syndrome.

Iacono G(1), Dubos A(2)(3)(4)(5), Meziane H(2), Benevento M(6)(7)(8), Habibi E(1), Mandoli A(1), Riet F(2), Selloum M(2), Feil R(9)(10), Zhou H(1)(7), Kleefstra T(7)(8), Kasri NN(6)(7)(8), van Bokhoven H(6)(7)(8), Herault Y(2)(3)(4)(5), Stunnenberg HG(1).
Nucleic Acids Res 2018 Jun 1;46(10):4950-4965

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Ketohexokinase knockout mice, a model for essential fructosuria, exhibit altered fructose metabolism and are protected from diet-induced metabolic defects.

Miller CO, Yang X, Lu K, Cao J, Herath K, Rosahl TW, Askew R, Pavlovic G, Zhou G, Li C, Akiyama TE
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2018 Sep 1;315(3):E386-E393

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Nox4 genetic inhibition in experimental hypertension and metabolic syndrome.

Bouabout G(1), Ayme-Dietrich E(2), Jacob H(1), Champy MF(1), Birling MC(1), Pavlovic G(1), Madeira L(2), Fertak LE(1), Petit-Demouliere B(1), Sorg T(1), Herault Y(1), Mudgett J(3), Monassier L(4).
Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2018 Jan;111(1):41-52

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Ptchd1 deficiency induces excitatory synaptic and cognitive dysfunctions in mouse.

Ung DC(1)(2), Iacono G(3), Meziane H(4), Blanchard E(1)(5)(6), Papon MA(1)(2), Selten M(7), van Rhijn JR(7), Montjean R(8)(9)(10)(11), Rucci J(8)(9)(10)(11), Martin S(12), Fleet A(13), Birling MC(4), Marouillat S(1)(2), Roepman R(14)(15), Selloum M(4), Lux A(4), Thepault RA(1)(2), Hamel P(13), Mittal K(16), Vincent JB(16), Dorseuil O(8)(9)(10)(11), Stunnenberg HG(3), Billuart P(8)(9)(10)(11), Nadif Kasri N(7)(14), Herault Y(4)(17)(18)(19)(20), Laumonnier F(1)(2)(6).
Mol Psychiatry 2018 May;23(5):1356-1367

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Synaptic dysfunction in amygdala in intellectual disorder models.

Aincy M(1), Meziane H(2), Herault Y(3), Humeau Y(4).
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2018 Jun 8;84(pt B):392-397

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Translating molecular advances in Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome into therapies.

Faundez V(1), De Toma I(2), Bardoni B(3), Bartesaghi R(4), Nizetic D(5), de la Torre R(6), Cohen Kadosh R(7), Herault Y(8), Dierssen M(9), Potier MC(10); Down Syndrome and Other Genetic Developmental Disorders ECNP Network.
Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2018 Jun;28(6):675-690

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A Fast, Easy, and Customizable Eight-Color Flow Cytometric Method for Analysis of the Cellular Content of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid in the Mouse.

Daubeuf F(1)(2), Becker J(3), Aguilar-Pimentel JA(4), Ebel C(5), Hrabe de Angelis M(4), Herault Y(3)(5)(6)(7)(8), Frossard N(1)(2).
Curr Protoc Mouse Biol 2017 Jun 19;7(2):88-99

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A large scale hearing loss screen reveals an extensive unexplored genetic landscape for auditory dysfunction.

Bowl MR(1), Simon MM(1), Ingham NJ(2)(3), Greenaway S(1), Santos L(1), Cater H(1), Taylor S(1), Mason J(4), Kurbatova N(4), Pearson S(3), Bower LR(5), Clary DA(5), Meziane H(6), Reilly P(6), Minowa O(7), Kelsey L(8)(9)(10); International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Tocchini-Valentini GP(11), Gao X(12), Bradley A(3), Skarnes WC(3), Moore M(13), Beaudet AL(14), Justice MJ(8)(9)(10)(14), Seavitt J(14), Dickinson ME(15), Wurst W(16), de Angelis MH(17), Herault Y(6)(18)(19)(20), Wakana S(7), Nutter LMJ(8)(9)(10), Flenniken AM(8)(9)(10), McKerlie C(8)(9)(10), Murray SA(21), Svenson KL(21), Braun RE(21), West DB(22), Lloyd KCK(5), Adams DJ(3), White J(3), Karp N(3), Flicek P(4), Smedley D(23), Meehan TF(4), Parkinson HE(4), Teboul LM(1), Wells S(1), Steel KP(2)(3), Mallon AM(1), Brown SDM(24).
Nat Commun 2017 Oct 12;8(1):886

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Atp6ap2 ablation in adult mice impairs viability through multiple organ deficiencies.

Wendling O(1), Champy MF(1), Jaubert S(2), Pavlovic G(1), Dubos A(1)(3)(4)(5)(6), Lindner L(1), Jacobs H(1), Mark M(1)(3)(4)(5)(6), Combe R(1), Da Cruz IG(1), Luche H(6), Mudgett JS(7), Rosahl T(7), Sorg T(1), Malissen M(2), Reilly PT(1), Herault Y(8)(9)(10)(11)(12).
Sci Rep 2017 Aug 29;7(1):9618

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Comparing ataxias with oculomotor apraxia: a multimodal study of AOA1, AOA2 and AT focusing on video-oculography and alpha-fetoprotein.

Mariani LL(1)(2), Rivaud-Pechoux S(3), Charles P(1), Ewenczyk C(1), Meneret A(2)(3), Monga BB(4), Fleury MC(5)(6)(7), Hainque E(8)(9)(10), Maisonobe T(11), Degos B(2), Echaniz-Laguna A(5)(12), Renaud M(5)(6)(7), Wirth T(5), Grabli D(2)(9), Brice A(1)(9)(10), Vidailhet M(2)(9)(10), Stoppa-Lyonnet D(13)(14), Dubois-d'Enghien C(13), Le Ber I(2)(9), Koenig M(15), Roze E(2)(9)(10), Tranchant C(5)(6)(7), Durr A(1)(9)(10), Gaymard B(16), Anheim M(17)(18)(19)(20).
Sci Rep 2017 Nov 10;7(1):15284

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Deciphering the Role of Oncogenic MITFE318K in Senescence Delay and Melanoma Progression.

Bonet C(1)(2), Luciani F(3)(4), Ottavi JF(1)(2), Leclerc J(1)(2), Jouenne FM(5), Boncompagni M(1)(2), Bille K(1)(2), Hofman V(2)(6), Bossis G(7), Marco de Donatis G(8), Strub T(9), Cheli Y(1)(2), Ohanna M(1)(2), Luciano F(10), Marchetti S(10), Rocchi S(1)(2), Birling MC(1)(11), Avril MF(12), Poulalhon N(13), Luc T(13), Bertolotto C(1)(2).
J Natl Cancer Inst 2017 Aug 1;109(8):djw340

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Disease model discovery from 3,328 gene knockouts by The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium.

Meehan TF(1), Conte N(1), West DB(2), Jacobsen JO(3), Mason J(1), Warren J(1), Chen CK(1), Tudose I(1), Relac M(1), Matthews P(1), Karp N(4), Santos L(5), Fiegel T(5), Ring N(5), Westerberg H(5), Greenaway S(5), Sneddon D(5), Morgan H(5), Codner GF(5), Stewart ME(5), Brown J(5), Horner N(5); International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Haendel M(6), Washington N(7), Mungall CJ(7), Reynolds CL(8), Gallegos J(8), Gailus-Durner V(9), Sorg T(10)(11)(12)(13), Pavlovic G(10)(11)(12)(13), Bower LR(14), Moore M(15), Morse I(16), Gao X(17), Tocchini-Valentini GP(18), Obata Y(19), Cho SY(20)(21), Seong JK(20)(22), Seavitt J(8), Beaudet AL(8), Dickinson ME(8), Herault Y(10)(11)(12)(13), Wurst W(9), de Angelis MH(9), Lloyd KCK(14), Flenniken AM(23), Nutter LMJ(23), Newbigging S(23), McKerlie C(23), Justice MJ(24), Murray SA(25), Svenson KL(25), Braun RE(25), White JK(4), Bradley A(4), Flicek P(1), Wells S(5), Skarnes WC(4), Adams DJ(4), Parkinson H(1), Mallon AM(5), Brown SDM(5), Smedley D(3).
Nat Genet 2017 Aug;49(8):1231-1238

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Dry ice is a reliable substrate for the distribution of frozen mouse spermatozoa: A multi-centric study.

Raspa M(1), Guan M(2), Paoletti R(3), Montoliu L(4), Ayadi A(5), Marschall S(6); EMMA/Infrafrontier Technical Working Group, Fray M(2), Scavizzi F(7).
Theriogenology 2017 Jul 1;96():49-57

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Efficient and rapid generation of large genomic variants in rats and mice using CRISMERE.

Birling MC(1), Schaeffer L(1), Andre P(1), Lindner L(1), Marechal D(1), Ayadi A(1), Sorg T(1), Pavlovic G(1), Herault Y(1,)(2,)(3,)(4,)(5).
Sci Rep 2017 Mar 7;7():43331

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Fluorescent nanodiamond tracking reveals intraneuronal transport abnormalities induced by brain-disease-related genetic risk factors.

Haziza S(1,)(2), Mohan N(1), Loe-Mie Y(2), Lepagnol-Bestel AM(2), Massou S(1), Adam MP(1), Le XL(1), Viard J(2), Plancon C(3), Daudin R(2), Koebel P(4), Dorard E(2), Rose C(2), Hsieh FJ(5), Wu CC(6), Potier B(2), Herault Y(4), Sala C(7), Corvin A(8), Allinquant B(2), Chang HC(5), Treussart F(1), Simonneau M(1,)(2,)(9).
Nat Nanotechnol 2017 May;12(4):322-328

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Integrated transcriptional analysis unveils the dynamics of cellular differentiation in the developing mouse hippocampus.

Iacono G(1), Benevento M(2)(3)(4), Dubos A(5), Herault Y(5), van Bokhoven H(2)(3)(4), Nadif Kasri N(2)(3)(4), Stunnenberg HG(6).
Sci Rep 2017 Dec 22;7(1):18073

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Modeling human disease in rodents by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing.

Birling MC(1), Herault Y(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), Pavlovic G(2).
Mamm Genome 2017 jul 4;28(7):291-301

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Mouse models of 17q21.31 microdeletion and microduplication syndromes highlight the importance of Kansl1 for cognition.

Arbogast T(1)(2)(3)(4), Iacono G(5), Chevalier C(1)(2)(3)(4), Afinowi NO(6), Houbaert X(7), van Eede MC(8), Laliberte C(8), Birling MC(9), Linda K(10), Meziane H(9), Selloum M(9), Sorg T(9), Nadif Kasri N(10), Koolen DA(10), Stunnenberg HG(5), Henkelman RM(8), Kopanitsa M(6), Humeau Y(7), De Vries BBA(10), Herault Y(1)(2)(3)(4)(9).
Plos Genet 2017 Jul 13;13(7):e1006886

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Non-invasive quantitative imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma growth in mice by micro-CT using liver-targeted iodinated nano-emulsions.

Anton N(1)(2), Parlog A(3)(4)(5)(6), Bou About G(3)(4)(5)(6), Attia MF(7)(8)(9)(10), Wattenhofer-Donze M(3)(4)(5)(6), Jacobs H(3)(4)(5)(6), Goncalves I(3)(4)(5)(6), Robinet E(11), Sorg T(3)(4)(5)(6), Vandamme TF(7)(8).
Sci Rep 2017 Oct 24;7(1):13935

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Prevalence of sexual dimorphism in mammalian phenotypic traits.

Karp NA(1)(2), Mason J(3), Beaudet AL(4), Benjamini Y(5), Bower L(6), Braun RE(7), Brown SDM(8), Chesler EJ(7), Dickinson ME(9), Flenniken AM(10), Fuchs H(11), Angelis MH(11)(12)(13), Gao X(14), Guo S(14), Greenaway S(8), Heller R(5), Herault Y(15)(16)(17)(18)(19), Justice MJ(20), Kurbatova N(5), Lelliott CJ(21), Lloyd KCK(6), Mallon AM(8), Mank JE(22), Masuya H(23), McKerlie C(10)(24), Meehan TF(3), Mott RF(25), Murray SA(7), Parkinson H(3), Ramirez-Solis R(21), Santos L(8), Seavitt JR(4), Smedley D(26), Sorg T(15)(16)(17)(18)(19), Speak AO(21), Steel KP(21)(27), Svenson KL(7); International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, Wakana S(23), West D(28), Wells S(8), Westerberg H(8), Yaacoby S(5), White JK(7)(21).
Nat Commun 2017 Jun 26;8():15475

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RF313, an orally bioavailable neuropeptide FF receptor antagonist, opposes effects of RF-amide-related peptide-3 and opioid-induced hyperalgesia in rodents.

Elhabazi K(1), Humbert JP(2), Bertin I(3), Quillet R(4), Utard V(5), Schneider S(6), Schmitt M(7), Bourguignon JJ(8), Laboureyras E(9), Ben Boujema M(10), Simonnet G(11), Ancel C(12), Simonneaux V(13), Beltramo M(14), Bucher B(15), Sorg T(16), Meziane H(17), Schneider E(18), Petit-Demouliere B(19), Ilien B(20), Bihel F(21), Simonin F(22).
Neuropharmacology 2017 May 15;118():188-198

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Rodent models in Down syndrome research: impact and future opportunities.

Herault Y, Delabar JM, Fisher EMC, Tybulewicz VLJ, Yu E, Brault V
Dis Model Mech 2017 Oct 1;10(10):1165-1186

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Translation of Expanded CGG Repeats into FMRpolyG Is Pathogenic and May Contribute to Fragile X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome.

Sellier C, Buijsen RAM, He F, Natla S, Jung L, Tropel P, Gaucherot A, Jacobs H, Meziane H, Vincent A, Champy MF, Sorg T, Pavlovic G, Wattenhofer-Donze M, Birling MC, Oulad-Abdelghani M, Eberling P, Ruffenach F, Joint M, Anheim M, Martinez-Cerdeno V, Tassone F, Willemsen R, Hukema RK, Viville S, Martinat C, Todd PK, Charlet-Berguerand N
Neuron 2017 Jan 18;93(2):331-347

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Translation of Expanded CGG Repeats into FMRpolyG Is Pathogenic and May Contribute to Fragile X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome.

Sellier C, Buijsen RAM, He F, Natla S, Jung L, Tropel P, Gaucherot A, Jacobs H, Meziane H, Vincent A, Champy MF, Sorg T, Pavlovic G, Wattenhofer-Donze M, Birling MC, Oulad-Abdelghani M, Eberling P, Ruffenach F, Joint M, Anheim M, Martinez-Cerdeno V, Tassone F, Willemsen R, Hukema RK, Viville S, Martinat C, Todd PK, Charlet-Berguerand N
Neuron 2017 Jan 18;93(2):331-347

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Altered microtubule dynamics and vesicular transport in mouse and human MeCP2-deficient astrocytes.

Delepine C(1), Meziane H(2), Nectoux J(3), Opitz M(1), Smith AB(4), Ballatore C(5), Saillour Y(1), Bennaceur-Griscelli A(6), Chang Q(7), Williams EC(7), Dahan M(8), Duboin A(9), Billuart P(1), Herault Y(2), Bienvenu T(10).
Hum Mol Genet 2016 Jan 1;25(1):146-57

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Aneuploidy screening of embryonic stem cell clones by metaphase karyotyping and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction.

Codner GF(1), Lindner L(2), Caulder A(1), Wattenhofer-Donzé M(2), Radage A(1), Mertz A(2), Eisenmann B(2), Mianné J(2), Evans EP(1), Beechey CV(1), Fray MD(1), Birling MC(2), Hérault Y(2), Pavlovic G(3), Teboul L(4).
Bmc Cell Biol 2016 Aug 5;17(1):30

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Corrigendum: Domains of genome-wide gene expression dysregulation in Down's syndrome.

Letourneau A, Santoni FA, Bonilla X, Sailani MR, Gonzalez D, Kind J, Chevalier C, Thurman R, Sandstrom RS, Hibaoui Y, Garieri M, Popadin K, Falconnet E, Gagnebin M, Gehrig C, Vannier A, Guipponi M, Farinelli L, Robyr D, Migliavacca E, Borel C, Deutsch S, Feki A, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Herault Y, van Steensel B, Guigo R, Antonarakis SE.
Nature 2016 Mar 17;531(7594):400

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Counterregulation between thymic stromal lymphopoietin- and IL-23-driven immune axes shapes skin inflammation in mice with epidermal barrier defects.

Li J(1), Leyva-Castillo JM(1), Hener P(1), Eisenmann A(1), Zaafouri S(2), Jonca N(2), Serre G(2), Birling MC(3), Li M(4).
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016 Jul;138(1):150-161

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DYRK1A, a Dosage-Sensitive Gene Involved in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Is a Target for Drug Development in Down Syndrome.

Duchon A(1), Herault Y(2).
Front Behav Neurosci 2016 Jun 3;10():104

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E4F1-mediated control of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is essential for skin homeostasis.

Goguet-Rubio P(1), Seyran B(1), Gayte L(1), Bernex F(2), Sutter A(1), Delpech H(3), Linares LK(1), Riscal R(1), Repond C(4), Rodier G(3), Kirsh O(5), Touhami J(6), Noel J(7), Vincent C(8), Pirot N(7), Pavlovic G(9), Herault Y(9), Sitbon M(6), Pellerin L(4), Sardet C(3), Lacroix M(10), Le Cam L(10).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 Sep 27;113(39):11004-9

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Epidermal-specific deletion of CD44 reveals a function in keratinocytes in response to mechanical stress.

Shatirishvili M(1), Burk AS(2), Franz CM(3), Pace G(1), Kastilan T(1), Breuhahn K(4), Hinterseer E(5), Dierich A(6), Bakiri L(7), Wagner EF(7), Ponta H(1), Hartmann TN(5), Tanaka M(2,)(8), Orian-Rousseau V(1).
Cell Death Dis 2016 Nov 10;7(11):e2461

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Fasudil treatment in adult reverses behavioural changes and brain ventricular enlargement in Oligophrenin-1 mouse model of intellectual disability.

Meziane H(1), Khelfaoui M(2), Morello N(3), Hiba B(4), Calcagno E(3), Reibel-Foisset S(5), Selloum M(1), Chelly J(6), Humeau Y(7), Riet F(1), Zanni G(8), Herault Y(1), Bienvenu T(9), Giustetto M(3), Billuart P(10).
Hum Mol Genet 2016 Jun 1;25(11):2314-2323

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High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes.

Dickinson ME, Flenniken AM, Ji X, Teboul L, Wong MD, White JK, Meehan TF, Weninger WJ, Westerberg H, Adissu H, Baker CN, Bower L, Brown JM, Caddle LB, Chiani F, Clary D, Cleak J, Daly MJ, Denegre JM, Doe B, Dolan ME, Edie SM, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Galli A, Gambadoro A, Gallegos J, Guo S, Horner NR, Hsu CW, Johnson SJ, Kalaga S, Keith LC, Lanoue L, Lawson TN, Lek M, Mark M, Marschall S, Mason J, McElwee ML, Newbigging S, Nutter LM, Peterson KA, Ramirez-Solis R, Rowland DJ, Ryder E, Samocha KE, Seavitt JR, Selloum M, Szoke-Kovacs Z, Tamura M, Trainor AG, Tudose I, Wakana S, Warren J, Wendling O, West DB, Wong L, Yoshiki A; International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium; Jackson Laboratory; Infrastructure Nationale PHENOMIN, Institut Clinique de la Souris (ICS); Charles River Laboratories; MRC Harwell; Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics; Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute; RIKEN BioResource Center, MacArthur DG, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Gao X, Flicek P, Bradley A, Skarnes WC, Justice MJ, Parkinson HE, Moore M, Wells S, Braun RE, Svenson KL, de Angelis MH, Herault Y, Mohun T, Mallon AM, Henkelman RM, Brown SD, Adams DJ, Lloyd KC, McKerlie C, Beaudet AL, Bucan M, Murray SA.
Nature 2016 Sep 22;537(7621):508-514

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How Does Circadian Rhythm Impact Salt Sensitivity of Blood Pressure in Mice? A Study in Two Close C57Bl/6 Substrains.

Combe R(1), Mudgett J(2), El Fertak L(1), Champy MF(1), Ayme-Dietrich E(3), Petit-Demoulière B(1), Sorg T(1), Herault Y(1), Madwed JB(2), Monassier L(1,)(3).
Plos One 2016 Apr 18;11(4):e0153472

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Lymphopoiesis in transgenic mice over-expressing Artemis.

Rivera-Munoz P(1,)(2), Abramowski V(1,)(2), Jacquot S(3), André P(3), Charrier S(4), Lipson-Ruffert K(5), Fischer A(2,)(6,)(7), Galy A(4), Cavazzana M(2,)(6), de Villartay JP(1,)(2).
Gene Ther 2016 Feb;23(2):176-86

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Multimodal imaging of a humanized orthotopic model of hepatocellular carcinoma in immunodeficient mice.

Wu T(1,)(2,)(3), Heuillard E(1,)(2,)(4), Lindner V(5), Bou About G(6), Ignat M(7,)(8), Dillenseger JP(2,)(9,)(10,)(11), Anton N(2,)(12), Dalimier E(13), Gossé F(1,)(2), Fouré G(4), Blindauer F(4), Giraudeau C(4), El-Saghire H(1,)(2), Bouhadjar M(4), Calligaro C(4), Sorg T(6), Choquet P(2,)(9,)(10,)(11), Vandamme T(2,)(12), Ferrand C(14,)(15,)(16), Marescaux J(4,)(7,)(8), Baumert TF(1,)(2,)(4,)(7), Diana M(4,)(8), Pessaux P(1,)(2,)(4,)(7,)(8), Robinet E(1,)(2,)(4).
Sci Rep 2016 Oct 14;6():35230

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Physiological Expression of AMPKgamma2RG Mutation Causes Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome and Induces Kidney Injury in Mice.

Yang X(1), Mudgett J(2), Bou-About G(3), Champy MF(3), Jacobs H(3), Monassier L(4), Pavlovic G(3), Sorg T(3), Herault Y(3), Petit-Demouliere B(3), Lu K(1), Feng W(1), Wang H(5), Ma LJ(1), Askew R(2), Erion MD(1), Kelley DE(1), Myers RW(1), Li C(1), Guan HP(6).
J Biol Chem 2016 Nov 4;291(45):23428-23439

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Reciprocal Effects on Neurocognitive and Metabolic Phenotypes in Mouse Models of 16p11.2 Deletion and Duplication Syndromes.

Arbogast T(1,)(2,)(3,)(4), Ouagazzal AM(1,)(2,)(3,)(4), Chevalier C(1,)(2,)(3,)(4), Kopanitsa M(5), Afinowi N(5), Migliavacca E(6,)(7), Cowling BS(1,)(2,)(3,)(4), Birling MC(8), Champy MF(8), Reymond A(6), Herault Y(1,)(2,)(3,)(4,)(8).
Plos Genet 2016 Feb 12;12(2):e1005709

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Role of the BAHD1 Chromatin-Repressive Complex in Placental Development and Regulation of Steroid Metabolism.

Lakisic G(1), Lebreton A(2,)(3,)(4), Pourpre R(1), Wendling O(5), Libertini E(6), Radford EJ(7,)(8), Le Guillou M(9), Champy MF(5), Wattenhofer-Donze M(5), Soubigou G(6), Ait-Si-Ali S(10), Feunteun J(9), Sorg T(5), Coppee JY(6), Ferguson-Smith AC(7), Cossart P(2,)(3,)(4), Bierne H(1).
Plos Genet 2016 Mar 3;12(3):e1005898

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The cell proliferation antigen Ki-67 organises heterochromatin.

Sobecki M(1)(2), Mrouj K(1)(2), Camasses A(1)(2), Parisis N(1)(2), Nicolas E(3), Lleres D(1)(2), Gerbe F(2)(4)(5), Prieto S(1)(2), Krasinska L(1)(2), David A(2)(4)(5), Eguren M(6), Birling MC(7), Urbach S(2)(4)(5)(8), Hem S(9), Dejardin J(2)(10), Malumbres M(6), Jay P(2)(4)(5), Dulic V(1)(2), Lafontaine DLj(3), Feil R(1)(2), Fisher D(1)(2).
Elife 2016 Mar 7;5():e13722

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Toxic gain of function from mutant FUS protein is crucial to trigger cell autonomous motor neuron loss.

Scekic-Zahirovic J(1), Sendscheid O(2), El Oussini H(1), Jambeau M(3), Sun Y(3), Mersmann S(2), Wagner M(2), Dieterlé S(1), Sinniger J(1), Dirrig-Grosch S(1), Drenner K(3), Birling MC(4), Qiu J(5), Zhou Y(5), Li H(5), Fu XD(5), Rouaux C(1), Shelkovnikova T(6), Witting A(7), Ludolph AC(7), Kiefer F(8), Storkebaum E(9), Lagier-Tourenne C(10), Dupuis L(11).
Embo J 2016 Mar 7;35(10):1077-1097

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A mu-delta opioid receptor brain atlas reveals neuronal co-occurrence in subcortical networks.

Erbs E(1), Faget L, Scherrer G, Matifas A, Filliol D, Vonesch JL, Koch M, Kessler P, Hentsch D, Birling MC, Koutsourakis M, Vasseur L, Veinante P, Kieffer BL, Massotte D.
Brain Struct Funct 2015 Mar;220(2):677-702

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Analysis of mammalian gene function through broad-based phenotypic screens across a consortium of mouse clinics.

Hrabe de Angelis M, Nicholson G, Selloum M, White JK, Morgan H, Ramirez-Solis R, Sorg T, Wells S, Fuchs H, Fray M, Adams DJ, Adams NC, Adler T, Aguilar-Pimentel A, Ali-Hadji D, Amann G, AndrE P, Atkins S, Auburtin A, Ayadi A, Becker J, Becker L, Bedu E, Bekeredjian R, Birling MC, Blake A, Bottomley J, Bowl MR, Brault V, Busch DH, Bussell JN, Calzada-Wack J, Cater H, Champy MF, Charles P, Chevalier C, Chiani F, Codner GF, Combe R, Cox R, Dalloneau E, Dierich A, Di Fenza A, Doe B, Duchon A, Eickelberg O, Esapa CT, Fertak LE, Feigel T, Emelyanova I, Estabel J, Favor J, Flenniken A, Gambadoro A, Garrett L, Gates H, Gerdin AK, Gkoutos G, Greenaway S, Glasl L, Goetz P, Da Cruz IG, Gotz A, Graw J, Guimond A, Hans W, Hicks G, Holter SM, Hofler H, Hancock JM, Hoehndorf R, Hough T, Houghton R, Hurt A, Ivandic B, Jacobs H, Jacquot S, Jones N, Karp NA, Katus HA, Kitchen S, Klein-Rodewald T, Klingenspor M, Klopstock T, Lalanne V, Leblanc S, Lengger C, le Marchand E, Ludwig T, Lux A, McKerlie C, Maier H, Mandel JL, Marschall S, Mark M, Melvin DG, Meziane H, Micklich K, Mittelhauser C, Monassier L, Moulaert D, Muller S, Naton B, Neff F, Nolan PM, Nutter LM, Ollert M, Pavlovic G, Pellegata NS, Peter E, Petit-Demouliere B, Pickard A, Podrini C, Potter P, Pouilly L, Puk O, Richardson D, Rousseau S, Quintanilla-Fend L, Quwailid MM, Racz I, Rathkolb B, Riet F, Rossant J, Roux M, Rozman J, Ryder E, Salisbury J, Santos L, Schable KH, Schiller E, Schrewe A, Schulz H, Steinkamp R, Simon M, Stewart M, Stoger C, Stoger T, Sun M, Sunter D, Teboul L, Tilly I, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Tost M, Treise I, Vasseur L, Velot E, Vogt-Weisenhorn D, Wagner C, Walling A, Wattenhofer-Donze M, Weber B, Wendling O, Westerberg H, Willershauser M, Wolf E, Wolter A, Wood J, Wurst W, Yildirim AO, Zeh R, Zimmer A, Zimprich A; EUMODIC Consortium, Holmes C, Steel KP, Herault Y, Gailus-Durner V, Mallon AM, Brown SD.
Nat Genet 2015 Sep;47(9):969-78

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An Early Postnatal Oxytocin Treatment Prevents Social and Learning Deficits in Adult Mice Deficient for Magel2, a Gene Involved in Prader-Willi Syndrome and Autism.

Meziane H(1), Schaller F(2), Bauer S(2), Villard C(3), Matarazzo V(2), Riet F(1), Guillon G(4), Lafitte D(3), Desarmenien MG(4), Tauber M(5), Muscatelli F(6).
Biol Psychiatry 2015 Jul 15;78(2):85-94

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Applying the ARRIVE Guidelines to an In Vivo Database.

Karp NA(1), Meehan TF(2), Morgan H(3), Mason JC(2), Blake A(3), Kurbatova N(2), Smedley D(1), Jacobsen J(1), Mott RF(4), Iyer V(5), Matthews P(5), Melvin DG(1), Wells S(3), Flenniken AM(6), Masuya H(7), Wakana S(7), White JK(8), Lloyd KC(9), Reynolds CL(10), Paylor R(11), West DB(12), Svenson KL(13), Chesler EJ(13), de Angelis MH(14), Tocchini-Valentini GP(15), Sorg T(16), Herault Y(16), Parkinson H(2), Mallon AM(3), Brown SD(3).
Plos Biol 2015 May 20;13(5):e1002151

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Blastocyst genotyping for quality control of mouse mutant archives: an ethical and economical approach.

Scavizzi F(1), Ryder E(2), Newman S(2), Raspa M(1), Gleeson D(2), Wardle-Jones H(2), Montoliu L(3,)(4), Fernandez A(3,)(4), Dessain ML(5), Larrigaldie V(5), Khorshidi Z(6), Vuolteenaho R(7), Soininen R(7), André P(8), Jacquot S(8), Hong Y(9), de Angelis MH(9), Ramirez-Solis R(2), Doe B(10).
Transgenic Res 2015 Oct;24(5):921-7

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Conditional depletion of intellectual disability and Parkinsonism candidate gene ATP6AP2 in fly and mouse induces cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration.

Dubos A(1), Castells-Nobau A(2), Meziane H(3), Oortveld MA(2), Houbaert X(4), Iacono G(5), Martin C(4), Mittelhaeuser C(3), Lalanne V(3), Kramer JM(2), Bhukel A(6), Quentin C(7), Slabbert J(8), Verstreken P(8), Sigrist SJ(7), Messaddeq N(9), Birling MC(3), Selloum M(3), Stunnenberg HG(5), Humeau Y(4), Schenck A(10), Herault Y(11).
Hum Mol Genet 2015 Dec 1;24(23):6736-55

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Contribution of serotonin to cardiac remodeling associated with hypertensive diastolic ventricular dysfunction in rats.

Ayme-Dietrich E(1), Marzak H, Lawson R, Mokni W, Wendling O, Combe R, Becker J, El Fertak L, Champy MF, Matz R, Andriantsitohaina R, Doly S, Boutourlinsky K, Maroteaux L, Monassier L.
J Hypertens 2015 Nov;33(11):2310-21

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Deletion of the App-Runx1 region in mice models human partial monosomy 21.

Arbogast T(1), Raveau M(1), Chevalier C(1), Nalesso V(1), Dembele D(1), Jacobs H(2), Wendling O(2), Roux M(3), Duchon A(1), Herault Y(4).
Dis Model Mech 2015 Jun;8(6):623-34

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INFRAFRONTIER--providing mutant mouse resources as research tools for the international scientific community.

Nucleic Acids Res 2015 Jan;43(database issue):D1171–D1175

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LXR-Mediated ABCA1 Expression and Function Are Modulated by High Glucose and PRMT2.

Hussein MA(1), Shrestha E(1), Ouimet M(2), Barrett TJ(2), Leone S(1), Moore KJ(2), Herault Y(3), Fisher EA(2), Garabedian MJ(1).
Plos One 2015 Aug 19;10(8):e0135218

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Opposite phenotypes of muscle strength and locomotor function in mouse models of partial trisomy and monosomy 21 for the proximal Hspa13-App region.

Brault V(1), Duchon A(1), Romestaing C(2), Sahun I(3), Pothion S(4), Karout M(1), Borel C(5), Dembele D(1), Bizot JC(6), Messaddeq N(1), Sharp AJ(7), Roussel D(2), Antonarakis SE(8), Dierssen M(3), Herault Y(9).
Plos Genet 2015 Mar 24;11(3):e1005062

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Principles and application of LIMS in mouse clinics.

Maier H(1), Schutt C(2), Steinkamp R(2), Hurt A(2), Schneltzer E(2), Gormanns P(2), Lengger C(2), Griffiths M(3), Melvin D(3), Agrawal N(3), Alcantara R(3), Evans A(3), Gannon D(3), Holroyd S(3), Kipp C(3), Raj NP(3), Richardson D(3), LeBlanc S(4), Vasseur L(4), Masuya H(5), Kobayashi K(5), Suzuki T(5), Tanaka N(5), Wakana S(5), Walling A(6), Clary D(7), Gallegos J(8), Fuchs H(2), de Angelis MH(9,)(10,)(11), Gailus-Durner V(2).
Mamm Genome 2015 Oct;26(9-10):467-81

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Shifting eating to the circadian rest phase misaligns the peripheral clocks with the master SCN clock and leads to a metabolic syndrome.

Mukherji A(1), Kobiita A(1), Damara M(1), Misra N(1), Meziane H(2), Champy MF(2), Chambon P(3).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Dec 1;112(48):E6691-8

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Developmental molecular and functional cerebellar alterations induced by PCP4/PEP19 overexpression: implications for Down syndrome.

Mouton-Liger F(1), Sahún I(2), Collin T(3), Lopes Pereira P(4), Masini D(2), Thomas S(1), Paly E(1), Luilier S(5), Même S(6), Jouhault Q(1), Bennaï S(1), Beloeil JC(6), Bizot JC(5), Hérault Y(7), Dierssen M(2), Créau N(8).
Neurobiol Dis 2014 Mar;63():92-106

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Generation and Use of Transgenic Mice in Drug Discovery

Guillaume Pavlovic, Véronique Brault, Tania Sorg andYann Hérault
Methods And Principles In Medicinal Chemistry: In Vivo Models For Drug Discovery 2014 11 AUG 2014;62(part 6):131-148

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Hyperactivation of Alk induces neonatal lethality in knock-in AlkF1178L mice.

Lopez-Delisle L(1), Pierre-Eugène C, Bloch-Gallego E, Birling MC, Duband JL, Durand E, Bourgeois T, Matrot B, Sorg T, Huerre M, Meziane H, Roux MJ, Champy MF, Gallego J, Delattre O, Janoueix-Lerosey I.
Oncotarget 2014 May 15;5(9):2703-13

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Impact of temporal variation on design and analysis of mouse knockout phenotyping studies.

Karp NA(1), Speak AO(1), White JK(1), Adams DJ(1), Hrabé de Angelis M(2), Hérault Y(3), Mott RF(4).
Plos One 2014 Oct 24;9(10):e111239

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Impact of the apolipoprotein E polymorphism, age and sex on neurogenesis in mice: Pathophysiological relevance for Alzheimer's disease?

Koutseff A, Mittelhaeuser C, Essabri K, Auwerx J, Meziane H.
Brain Res 2014 Jan 13;1542():32-40

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In Vivo 9.4T MRI and1H MRS for Evaluation of Brain Structural and Metabolic Changes in the Ts65Dn Mouse Model for Down Syndrome

S. Même1*, N. Joudiou1, N. Yousfi1, F. Szeremeta1, P. Lopes-Pereira2, J. C. Beloeil1, Y. Herault2,3,4, W. Même1
World Journal Of Neuroscience 2014 2014;4():152-163

Modeling Copy Number Variations in the Mouse

Yann Hérault, Arnaud Duchon, Damien Maréchal, Véronique Brault.
Advances In Genome Sciences, Keeping Up With Genome Sequence And Expression 2014 ;3():3-32

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Old spontaneously hypertensive rats gather together typical features of human chronic left-ventricular dysfunction with preserved ejection fraction.

Marzak H(1), Ayme-Dietrich E, Lawson R, Mokni W, Combe R, Becker J, Fertak LE, Champy MF, Monassier L.
J Hypertens 2014 Jun;32(6):1307-16

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Proteomic survey reveals altered energetic patterns and metabolic failure prior to retinal degeneration.

Griciuc A(1), Roux MJ, Merl J, Giangrande A, Hauck SM, Aron L, Ueffing M.
J Neurosci 2014 Feb 19;34(8):2797-812

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Regulator of G-protein signaling 18 controls both platelet generation and function.

Delesque-Touchard N(1), Pendaries C(1), Volle-Challier C(1), Millet L(1), Salel V(1), Hervé C(1), Pflieger AM(1), Berthou-Soulie L(2), Prades C(2), Sorg T(3), Herbert JM(1), Savi P(1), Bono F(1).
Plos One 2014 Nov 18;9(11):e113215

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Rfx6 maintains the functional identity of adult pancreatic beta cells.

Piccand J(1), Strasser P(1), Hodson DJ(2), Meunier A(1), Ye T(1), Keime C(1), Birling MC(3), Rutter GA(2), Gradwohl G(4).
Cell Rep 2014 Dec 24;9(6):2219-32

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Skin progenitor cells contribute to bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis.

Liu S(1), Herault Y, Pavlovic G, Leask A.
Arthritis Rheumatol 2014 Mar;66(3):707-13

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Targeted deletion of kidney glucose-6 phosphatase leads to nephropathy.

Clar J(1), Gri B(1), Calderaro J(2), Birling MC(3), Hérault Y(3), Smit GP(4), Mithieux G(1), Rajas F(1).
Kidney Int 2014 Oct;86(4):747-56

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A comparative phenotypic and genomic analysis of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N mouse strains.

Simon MM, Greenaway S, White JK, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Wells S, Sorg T, Wong K, Bedu E, Cartwright EJ, Dacquin R, Djebali S, Estabel J, Graw J, Ingham NJ, Jackson IJ, Lengeling A, Mandillo S, Marvel J, Meziane H, Preitner F, Puk O, Roux M, Adams DJ, Atkins S, Ayadi A, Becker L, Blake A, Brooker D, Cater H, Champy MF, Combe R, Danecek P, di Fenza A, Gates H, Gerdin AK, Golini E, Hancock JM, Hans W, Holter SM, Hough T, Jurdic P, Keane TM, Morgan H, Muller W, Neff F, Nicholson G, Pasche B, Roberson LA, Rozman J, Sanderson M, Santos L, Selloum M, Shannon C, Southwell A, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Vancollie VE, Westerberg H, Wurst W, Zi M, Yalcin B, Ramirez-Solis R, Steel KP, Mallon AM, de Angelis MH, Herault Y, Brown SD.
Genome Biol 2013 Jul 31;14(7):R82

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A pathway for unicellular tube extension depending on the lymphatic vessel determinant Prox1 and on osmoregulation.

Kolotuev I(1), Hyenne V, Schwab Y, Rodriguez D, Labouesse M.
Nat Cell Biol 2013 Feb;15(2):157-68

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Distinct fibroblast lineages determine dermal architecture in skin development and repair.

Driskell RR(1), Lichtenberger BM(2), Hoste E(3), Kretzschmar K(2), Simons BD(4), Charalambous M(5), Ferron SR(5), Herault Y(6), Pavlovic G(6), Ferguson-Smith AC(5), Watt FM(7).
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Endogenous mammalian RF-amide peptides, including PrRP, kisspeptin and 26RFa, modulate nociception and morphine analgesia via NPFF receptors.

Elhabazi K, Humbert JP, Bertin I, Schmitt M, Bihel F, Bourguignon JJ, Bucher B, Becker JA, Sorg T, Meziane H, Petit-Demoulière B, Ilien B, Simonin F.
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FELASA guidelines for the refinement of methods for genotyping genetically-modified rodents: a report of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations Working Group.

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Repression of Osteoblast Maturation by ERR Accounts for Bone Loss Induced by Estrogen Deficiency.

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Surveying the Down syndrome mouse model resource identifies critical regions responsible for chronic otitis media.

Bhutta MF, Cheeseman MT, Herault Y, Yu YE, Brown SD.
Mamm Genome 2013 Dec;24(11-12):439-45

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The homeodomain factor Gbx1 is required for locomotion and cell specification in the dorsal spinal cord.

Meziane H, Fraulob V, Riet F, Krezel W, Selloum M, Geffarth M, Acampora D, Hérault Y, Simeone A, Brand M, Dollé P, Rhinn M.
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The STRA6 Receptor Is Essential for Retinol-binding Protein-induced Insulin Resistance but Not for Maintaining Vitamin A Homeostasis in Tissues Other Than the Eye.

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Absence of TI-VAMP/Vamp7 leads to increased anxiety in mice.

Danglot L, Zylbersztejn K, Petkovic M, Gauberti M, Meziane H, Combe R, Champy MF, Birling MC, Pavlovic G, Bizot JC, Trovero F, Della Ragione F, Proux-Gillardeaux V, Sorg T, Vivien D, D'Esposito M, Galli T.
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Acoustic Startle Reflex and Prepulse Inhibition.

Ouagazzal AM(1), Meziane H(2).
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Activation of nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide receptors disrupts visual but not auditory sensorimotor gating in BALB/cByJ mice: comparison to dopamine receptor agonists.

Ces A, Reiss D, Walter O, Wichmann J, Prinssen EP, Kieffer BL, Ouagazzal AM.
Neuropsychopharmacology 2012 Jan;37(2):378-89

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Estrogen dependent activation function of ER is essential for the sexual behavior of mouse females.

Antal MC, Petit-Demoulière B, Meziane H, Chambon P, Krust A.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Nov 27;109(48):19822-7

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Highly-efficient, fluorescent, locus directed cre and FlpO deleter mice on a pure C57BL/6N genetic background.

Birling MC, Dierich A, Jacquot S, Hérault Y, Pavlovic G.
Genesis 2012 Jun;50(6):482-9

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Involvement of neuropeptide FF receptors in neuroadaptive responses to acute and chronic opiate treatments.

Elhabazi K, Trigo JM, Mollereau C, Moulédous L, Zajac JM, Bihel F, Schmitt M, Bourguignon JJ, Meziane H, Petit-demoulière B, Bockel F, Maldonado R, Simonin F.
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Mouse large-scale phenotyping initiatives: overview of the European Mouse Disease Clinic (EUMODIC) and of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Mouse Genetics Project.

Ayadi A, Birling MC, Bottomley J, Bussell J, Fuchs H, Fray M, Gailus-Durner V, Greenaway S, Houghton R, Karp N, Leblanc S, Lengger C, Maier H, Mallon AM, Marschall S, Melvin D, Morgan H, Pavlovic G, Ryder E, Skarnes WC, Selloum M, Ramirez-Solis R, Sorg T, Teboul L, Vasseur L, Walling A, Weaver T, Wells S, White JK, Bradley A, Adams DJ, Steel KP, Hrab? de Angelis M, Brown SD, Herault Y.
Mamm Genome 2012 Oct;23(9-10):600-10

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Targeted ultramicrotomy: a valuable tool for correlated light and electron microscopy of small model organisms.

Kolotuev I(1), Bumbarger DJ, Labouesse M, Schwab Y.
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The App-Runx1 region is critical for birth defects and electrocardiographic dysfunctions observed in a Down syndrome mouse model.

Raveau M(1), Lignon JM, Nalesso V, Duchon A, Groner Y, Sharp AJ, Dembele D, Brault V, Herault Y.
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The mammalian gene function resource: the International Knockout Mouse Consortium.

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The mouse Wnt/PCP protein Vangl2 is necessary for migration of facial branchiomotor neurons, and functions independently of Dishevelled.

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Characterization and Validation of Cre-Driver Mouse Lines

Gofflot F, Wendling O, Chartoire N, Birling MC, Warot X, Auwerx J
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Chronic Treatment with a Promnesiant GABA-A 5-Selective Inverse Agonist Increases Immediate Early Genes Expression during Memory Processing in Mice and Rectifies Their Expression Levels in a Down Syndrome Mouse Model.

Braudeau J, Dauphinot L, Duchon A, Loistron A, Dodd RH, Hérault Y, Delatour B, Potier MC.
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Genetic and pharmacological evaluation of cathepsin s in a mouse model of asthma.

Deschamps K, Cromlish W, Weicker S, Lamontagne S, Huszar SL, Gauthier JY, Mudgett JS, Guimond A, Romand R, Frossard N, Percival MD, Slipetz D, Tan CM.
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Involvement of retinol dehydrogenase 10 in embryonic patterning and rescue of its loss of function by maternal retinaldehyde treatment.

Rhinn M, Schuhbaur B, Niederreither K, Dollé P.
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Mouse Breeding and Colony Management

Ayadi A, Ferrand G, Goncalves da Cruz I, Warot X
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PTBP1 Is Required for Embryonic Development before Gastrulation

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Reduced body weight in male Tspan8-deficient mice.

Champy MF, Le Voci L, Selloum M, Peterson LB, Cumiskey AM, Blom D.
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Standardized Post-Mortem Examination and Fixation Procedures for Mutant and Treated Mice

Antal M.C., muller S., Wendling O, Herault Y, Mark M.
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TASK-3 as a potential antidepressant target.

Gotter AL, Santarelli VP, Doran SM, Tannenbaum PL, Kraus RL, Rosahl TW, Meziane H, Montial M, Reiss DR, Wessner K, McCampbell A, Stevens J, Brunner JI, Fox SV, Uebele VN, Bayliss DA, Winrow CJ, Renger JJ.
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The telomeric part of the human chromosome 21 from Cstb to Prmt2 is not necessary for the locomotor and short-term memory deficits observed in the Tc1 mouse model of Down syndrome

Duchon A., Pothion S., Brault V., Sharp A.J., Tybulewicz V.L., Fisher E.M., Herault Y.
Behav Brain Res 2011 Mar 1;217(2):271-81

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TIF1beta association with HP1 is essential for post-gastrulation development, but not for Sertoli cell functions during spermatogenesis

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Active multilayered capsules for in vivo bone formation

Facca S., Cortez C., Mendoza-Palomares C., Messadeq N., Dierich A., Johnston A.P., Mainard D., Voegel J.C., Caruso F., Benkirane-Jessel N.
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Altered lipoprotein metabolism in P2Y(13) knockout mice

Blom D., Yamin T.T., Champy M.F., Selloum M., Bedu E., Carballo-Jane E., Gerckens L., Luell S., Meurer R., Chin J., Mudgett J., Puig O.
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beta-Endorphin expression in the mouse retina

Gallagher S.K., Witkovsky P., Roux M.J., Low M.J., Otero-Corchon V., Hentges S.T., Vigh J.
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Contribution of gene-modified mice and rats to our understanding of the cardiovascular pharmacology of serotonin

Monassier L., Laplante M.A., Ayadi T., Doly S., Maroteaux L.
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Down Syndrome: From Understanding the Neurobiology to Therapy

Gardiner K., Herault Y., Lott I.T., Antonarakis S.E., Reeves R.H., Dierssen M.
J Neurosci 2010 Nov 10;30(45):14943-14945

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Enterovirus-related activation of the cardiomyocyte mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in patients with acute myocarditis.

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EuroPhenome: a repository for high-throughput mouse phenotyping data

Morgan H., Beck T., Blake A., Gates H., Adams N., Debouzy G., Leblanc S., Lengger C., Maier H., Melvin D., Meziane H., Richardson D., Wells S., White J., Wood J., de Angelis M.H., Brown S.D., Hancock J.M., Mallon A.M.
Nucleic Acids Res 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D577-85

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Identification of genes and networks driving cardiovascular and metabolic phenotypes in a mouse f2 intercross

Derry J.M., Zhong H., Molony C., Macneil D., Guhathakurta D., Zhang B., Mudgett J., Small K., El Fertak L., Guimond A., Selloum M., Zhao W., Champy M.F., Monassier L., Vogt T., Cully D., Kasarskis A., Schadt E.E.
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Murine neonatal infection provides an efficient model for congenital ocular toxoplasmosis

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Mutations in lama1 disrupt retinal vascular development and inner limiting membrane formation

Edwards M.M., Mammadova-Bach E., Alpy F., Klein A., Hicks W.L., Roux M., Simon-Assmann P., Smith R.S., Orend G., Wu J., Peachey N.S., Naggert J.K., Lefebvre O., Nishina P.M.
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Myeloproliferative neoplasm induced by constitutive expression of JAK2V617F in knock-in mice.

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Negative control of Smad activity by ectodermin/Tif1gamma patterns the mammalian embryo

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Oxidative stress in skeletal muscle stimulates early expression of Rad in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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PCSK9 is not involved in the degradation of LDL receptors and BACE1 in the adult mouse brain.

Liu M, Wu G, Baysarowich J, Kavana M, Addona GH, Bierilo KK, Mudgett JS, Pavlovic G, Sitlani A, Renger JJ, Hubbard BK, Fisher TS, Zerbinatti CV.
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Retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-alpha is not critically required for mediating retinoic acid effects in the developing mouse retina

Cammas L., Trensz F., Jellali A., Ghyselinck N.B., Roux M.J., Dolle P.
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The pollutant diethylhexyl phthalate regulates hepatic energy metabolism via species-specific PPARalpha-dependent mechanisms.

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Aneuploidy: from a physiological mechanism of variance to Down syndrome

Dierssen M., Herault Y., Estivill X.
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A new mouse model for the trisomy of the Abcg1-U2af1 region reveals the complexity of the combinatorial genetic code of down syndrome

Pereira P.L., Magnol L., Sahun I., Brault V., Duchon A., Prandini P., Gruart A., Bizot J.C., Chadefaux-Vekemans B., Deutsch S., Trovero F., Delgado-Garcia J.M., Antonarakis S.E., Dierssen M., Herault Y.
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A ruthenium-containing organometallic compound reduces tumor growth through induction of the endoplasmic reticulum stress gene CHOP.

Meng X, Leyva ML, Jenny M, Gross I, Benosman S, Fricker B, Harlepp S, Hébraud P, Boos A, Wlosik P, Bischoff P, Sirlin C, Pfeffer M, Loeffler JP, Gaiddon C.
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Brain structures implicated in the four-plate test in naive and experienced Swiss mice using injection of diazepam and the 5-HT2A agonist DOI.

Petit-Demoulière B, Massé F, Cogrel N, Hascoët M, Bourin M.
Behav Brain Res 2009 Dec 1;204(1):200-5

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DYRK1A, a novel determinant of the methionine-homocysteine cycle in different mouse models overexpressing this Down-syndrome-associated kinase

Noll C., Planque C., Ripoll C., Guedj F., Diez A., Ducros V., Belin N., Duchon A., Paul J.L., Badel A., de Freminville B., Grattau Y., Blehaut H., Herault Y., Janel N., Delabar J.M.
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Efficient temporally-controlled targeted mutagenesis in smooth muscle cells of the adult mouse

Wendling O., Bornert J.M., Chambon P., Metzger D.
Genesis 2009 Oct 21;47(1):14-18

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EMMA--mouse mutant resources for the international scientific community

Wilkinson P., Sengerova J., Matteoni R., Chen C.K., Soulat G., Ureta-Vidal A., Fessele S., Hagn M., Massimi M., Pickford K., Butler R.H., Marschall S., Mallon A.M., Pickard A., Raspa M., Scavizzi F., Fray M., Larrigaldie V., Leyritz J., Birney E., Tocchini-Valentini G.P., Brown S., Herault Y., Montoliu L., de Angelis M.H., Smedley D.
Nucleic Acids Res 2009 Jan;38(Database issue):D570-6

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Fork stalling and template switching as a mechanism for polyalanine tract expansion affecting the DYC mutant of HOXD13, a new murine model of synpolydactyly

Cocquempot O., Brault V., Babinet C., Herault Y.
Genetics 2009 Sep;183(1):23-30

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Gene expression signature of cerebellar hypoplasia in a mouse model of Down syndrome during postnatal development

Laffaire J., Rivals I., Dauphinot L., Pasteau F., Wehrle R., Larrat B., Vitalis T., Moldrich R.X., Rossier J., Sinkus R., Herault Y., Dusart I., Potier M.C.
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Heme oxygenase-1 accelerates cutaneous wound healing in mice

Grochot-Przeczek A., Lach R., Mis J., Skrzypek K., Gozdecka M., Sroczynska P., Dubiel M., Rutkowski A., Kozakowska M., Zagorska A., Walczynski J., Was H., Kotlinowski J., Drukala J., Kurowski K., Kieda C., Herault Y., Dulak J., Jozkowicz A.
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Identification of the UBP1 locus as a critical blood pressure determinant using a combination of mouse and human genetics.

Koutnikova H, Laakso M, Lu L, Combe R, Paananen J, Kuulasmaa T, Kuusisto J, Häring HU, Hansen T, Pedersen O, Smith U, Hanefeld M, Williams RW, Auwerx J.
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Ppargamma2 is a key driver of longevity in the mouse

Argmann C., Dobrin R., Heikkinen S., Auburtin A., Pouilly L., Cock T.A., Koutnikova H., Zhu J., Schadt E.E., Auwerx J.
Plos Genet 2009 Dec;5(12):e1000752

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Proliferation deficits and gene expression dysregulation in Down's syndrome (Ts1Cje) neural progenitor cells cultured from neurospheres

Moldrich R.X., Dauphinot L., Laffaire J., Vitalis T., Herault Y., Beart P.M., Rossier J., Vivien D., Gehrig C., Antonarakis S.E., Lyle R., Potier M.C.
J Neurosci Res 2009 Nov 1;87(14):3143-52

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Site-specific recombinases for manipulation of the mouse genome

Birling M.C., Gofflot F., Warot X.
Methods Mol Biol 2009 ;561():245-63

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The Histone Deacetylase SIRT1 Controls Male Fertility in Mice Through Regulation of Hypothalamic-Pituitary Gonadotropin Signaling

Kolthur-Seetharam U., Teerds K., Rooij D.G., Wendling O., McBurney M., Sassone-Corsi P., Davidson I.
Biol Reprod 2009 Feb;80(2):384-91

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The Pro12Ala PPARgamma2 Variant Determines Metabolism at the Gene-Environment Interface

Heikkinen S., Argmann C., Feige J.N., Koutnikova H., Champy M.F., Dali-Youcef N., Schadt E.E., Laakso M., Auwerx J.
Cell Metab 2009 Jan 7;9(1):88-98

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Anxiolytic-like effects of DOI microinjections into the hippocampus (but not the amygdala nor the PAG) in the mice four plates test.

Masse F, Petit-Demouliere B, Dubois I, Hascoët M, Bourin M.
Behav Brain Res 2008 Apr 9;188(2):291-7

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Evaluation tools and animal models of peripheral neuropathies.

Fricker B, Muller A, René F.
Neurodegener Dis 2008 ;5(2):72-108

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Factors triggering abolishment of benzodiazepines effects in the Four-Plate Test--retest in mice.

Petit-Demoulière B, Hascoët M, Bourin M.
Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2008 Jan;18(1):41-7

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Genetic background determines metabolic phenotypes in the mouse

Champy M.F., Selloum M., Zeitler V., Caradec C., Jung B., Rousseau S., Pouilly L., Sorg T., Auwerx J.
Mamm Genome 2008 May;19(5):318-31

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Inducing segmental aneuploid mosaicism in the mouse through targeted asymmetric sister chromatid event of recombination

Duchon A., Besson V., Pereira P.L., Magnol L., Herault Y.
Genetics 2008 Sep;180(1):51-9

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Nociceptin receptor impairs recognition memory via interaction with NMDA receptor-dependent mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in the hippocampus

Goeldner C., Reiss D., Wichmann J., Meziane H., Kieffer B.L., Ouagazzal A.M.
J Neurosci 2008 Feb 27;28(9):2190-8

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Reliability, robustness, and reproducibility in mouse behavioral phenotyping: a cross-laboratory study

Mandillo S., Tucci V., Holter S.M., Meziane H., Banchaabouchi M.A., Kallnik M., Lad H.V., Nolan P.M., Ouagazzal A.M., Coghill E.L., Gale K., Golini E., Jacquot S., Krezel W., Parker A., Riet F., Schneider I., Marazziti D., Auwerx J., Brown S.D., Chambon P., Rosenthal N., Tocchini-Valentini G., Wurst W.
Physiol Genomics 2008 Aug 15;34(3):243-55

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The genetic ablation of SRC-3 protects against obesity and improves insulin sensitivity by reducing the acetylation of PGC-1{alpha}

Coste A., Louet J.F., Lagouge M., Lerin C., Antal M.C., Meziane H., Schoonjans K., Puigserver P., O'Malley B.W., Auwerx J.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008 Nov 4;105(44):17187-92

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Variations in DNA elucidate molecular networks that cause disease

Chen Y., Zhu J., Lum P.Y., Yang X., Pinto S., MacNeil D.J., Zhang C., Lamb J., Edwards S., Sieberts S.K., Leonardson A., Castellini L.W., Wang S., Champy M.F., Zhang B., Emilsson V., Doss S., Ghazalpour A., Horvath S., Drake T.A., Lusis A.J., Schadt E.E.
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Absence of dopamine D2 receptors unmasks an inhibitory control over the brain circuitries activated by cocaine

Welter M., Vallone D., Samad T.A., Meziane H., Usiello A., Borrelli E.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Apr 17;104(16):6840-5

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Adipose tissue-specific inactivation of the retinoblastoma protein protects against diabesity because of increased energy expenditure

Dali-Youcef N., Mataki C., Coste A., Messaddeq N., Giroud S., Blanc S., Koehl C., Champy M.F., Chambon P., Fajas L., Metzger D., Schoonjans K., Auwerx J.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Jun 19;104(25):10703-10708

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Animal models of anxiety in mice.

Bourin M, Petit-Demoulière B, Dhonnchadha BN, Hascöet M.
Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2007 Dec;21(6):567-74

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Bone Formation Mediated by Synergy-Acting Growth Factors Embedded in a Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Film

Dierich A., Le Guen E., Messaddeq N., Stoltz J.F., Netter P., Schaaf P., Voegel J.C., Benkirane-Jessel N.
Advanced Material 2007 ;19(5):693-97

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Cre/loxP-mediated chromosome engineering of the mouse genome

Brault V., Besson V., Magnol L., Duchon A., Herault Y.
Handb Exp Pharmacol 2007

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Estrous cycle effects on behavior of C57BL/6J and BALB/cByJ female mice: implications for phenotyping strategies

Meziane H., Ouagazzal A.M., Aubert L., Wietrzych M., Krezel W.
Genes Brain Behav 2007 Mar;6(2):192-200

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Evaluation of glucose homeostasis

Heikkinen S, Argmann CA, Champy MF, Auwerx J
Current Protocols In Molecular Biology 2007 January, 2007;Chapter 29():Unit 29B.3

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[Functional genomics of the mouse: the European dynamics].

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Histopathology in mouse metabolic investigations

Mark M., Teletin M., Antal C., Wendling O., Auwerx J., Heikkinen S., Khetchoumian K., Argmann C.A., Dgheem M.
Curr Protoc Mol Biol 2007 Apr;Chapter 29():Unit 29B 4

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IL-13 induces expression of CD36 in human monocytes through PPARgamma activation

Berry A., Balard P., Coste A., Olagnier D., Lagane C., Authier H., Benoit-Vical F., Lepert J.C., Seguela J.P., Magnaval J.F., Chambon P., Metzger D., Desvergne B., Wahli W., Auwerx J., Pipy B.
Eur J Immunol 2007 Apr 25;37(6):1642-1652

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Increased peripheral lipid clearance in an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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In Vivo Imaging of Farnesoid X Receptor Activity Reveals the Ileum as the Primary Bile Acid Signaling Tissue

Houten S.M., Volle D.H., Cummins C.L., Mangelsdorf D.J., Auwerx J.
Mol Endocrinol 2007 Jun;21(6):1312-1323

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KIT is required for hepatic function during mouse post-natal development

Magnol L., Chevallier M.C., Nalesso V., Retif S., Fuchs H., Klempt M., Pereira P., Riottot M., Andrzejewski S., Doan B.T., Panthier J.J., Puech A., Beloeil J.C., de Angelis M.H., Herault Y.
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LRH-1-mediated glucocorticoid synthesis in enterocytes protects against inflammatory bowel disease

Coste A., Dubuquoy L., Barnouin R., Annicotte J.S., Magnier B., Notti M., Corazza N., Antal M.C., Metzger D., Desreumaux P., Brunner T., Auwerx J., Schoonjans K.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Aug 7;104(32):13098-103

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LRP1 Functions as an Atheroprotective Integrator of TGFbeta and PDFG Signals in the Vascular Wall: Implications for Marfan Syndrome

Boucher P., Li W.P., Matz R.L., Takayama Y., Auwerx J., Anderson R.G., Herz J.
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Malignant transformation of DMBA/TPA-induced papillomas and nevi in the skin of mice selectively lacking retinoid-X-receptor alpha in epidermal keratinocytes

Indra A.K., Castaneda E., Antal M.C., Jiang M., Messaddeq N., Meng X., Loehr C.V., Gariglio P., Kato S., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Metzger D., Chambon P.
J Invest Dermatol 2007 May;127(5):1250-60

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Modeling the monosomy for the telomeric part of human chromosome 21 reveals haploinsufficient genes modulating the inflammatory and airway responses

Besson V., Brault V., Duchon A., Togbe D., Bizot J.C., Quesniaux V.F., Ryffel B., Herault Y.
Hum Mol Genet 2007 Sep 1;16(17):2040-52

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Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-{alpha} Activation Inhibits Langerhans Cell Function

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J Immunol 2007 Apr 1;178(7):4362-72

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Proteomic shifts in embryonic stem cells with gene dose modifications suggest the presence of balancer proteins in protein regulatory networks

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Quantitative ultrasonic tissue characterization as a new tool for continuous monitoring of chronic liver remodelling in mice

Guimond A., Teletin M., Garo E., D'Sa A., Selloum M., Champy M.F., Vonesch J.L., Monassier L.
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Studies of the Common DIO2 Thr92Ala Polymorphism and Metabolic Phenotypes in 7342 Danish White Subjects

Grarup N., Andersen M.K., Andreasen C.H., Albrechtsen A., Borch-Johnsen K., Jorgensen T., Auwerx J., Schmitz O., Hansen T., Pedersen O.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007 Jan;92(1):363-6

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Systematic gene expression mapping clusters nuclear receptors according to their function in the brain

Gofflot F., Chartoire N., Vasseur L., Heikkinen S., Dembele D., Le Merrer J., Auwerx J.
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Temporal parameters of one-trial tolerance to benzodiazepines in four-plate test-retest.

Petit-Demouliere B, Bourin M.
Behav Brain Res 2007 Nov 2;183(2):222-5

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The small heterodimer partner is a gonadal gatekeeper of sexual maturation in male mice

Volle D.H., Duggavathi R., Magnier B.C., Houten S.M., Cummins C.L., Lobaccaro J.M., Verhoeven G., Schoonjans K., Auwerx J.
Genes Dev 2007 Feb 1;21(3):303-15

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Tissue collection for systematic phenotyping in the mouse

Antal C., Teletin M., Wendling O., Dgheem M., Auwerx J., Mark M.
Curr Protoc Mol Biol 2007 Oct;Chapter 29():Unit 29A 4

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Absence of the steroid receptor coactivator-3 induces B-cell lymphoma

Coste A., Antal M.C., Chan S., Kastner P., Mark M., O'Malley B.W., Auwerx J.
Embo J 2006 Jun 7;25(11):2453-64

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ACE inhibition prevents myocardial infarction-induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction.

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J Appl Physiol 2006 Aug;101(2):385-91

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A mouse model for human short-stature syndromes identifies Shox2 as an upstream regulator of Runx2 during long-bone development

Cobb J., Dierich A., Huss-Garcia Y., Duboule D.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006 Mar 21;103(12):4511-5

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Apoptosis and differentiation commitment: novel insights revealed by gene profiling studies in mouse embryonic stem cells

Duval D., Trouillas M., Thibault C., Dembele D., Diemunsch F., Reinhardt B., Mertz A.L., Dierich A., Boeuf H.
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Auditory and visual prepulse inhibition in mice: parametric analysis and strain comparisons

Aubert L., Reiss D., Ouagazzal A.M.
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Brg1 is required for murine neural stem cell maintenance and gliogenesis

Matsumoto S., Banine F., Struve J., Xing R., Adams C., Liu Y., Metzger D., Chambon P., Rao M.S., Sherman L.S.
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Cardiovascular disorders: insights into in vivo cardiovascular phenotyping

Monassier L, Constantinesco A
Standards Of Mouse Model Phenotyping 2006 ;Chapter 7. ():

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Conditional (loxP-flanked) allele for the gene encoding the retinoic acid-synthesizing enzyme retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (RALDH2)

Vermot J., Garnier J.M., Dierich A., Niederreither K., Harvey R.P., Chambon P., Dolle P.
Genesis 2006 Mar;44(3):155-8

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Deletion of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha induces an alteration of cardiac functions

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Dissociation of analgesic and hormonal responses to forced swim stress using opioid receptor knockout mice

Contet C., Gaveriaux-Ruff C., Matifas A., Caradec C., Champy M.F., Kieffer B.L.
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Dynamic expression of retinoic acid-synthesizing and -metabolizing enzymes in the developing mouse inner ear

Romand R., Kondo T., Fraulob V., Petkovich M., Dolle P., Hashino E.
J Comp Neurol 2006 Jun 10;496(5):643-54

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Endocrine functions of bile acids

Houten S.M., Watanabe M., Auwerx J.
Embo J 2006 Apr 5;25(7):1419-25

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Evaluation of Energy Homeostasis

Argmann CA, Champy MF, Auwerx J
Current Protocols In Molecular Biology 2006 February, 2006;Chapter 29(Unit 29B.1):

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Exploration of metabolic and endocrine function in the mouse

Champy MF, Argmann CA, Chambon P, Auwerx J
Standards Of Mouse Model Phenotyping 2006

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Expression analysis of murine genes using in situ hybridization with radioactive and nonradioactively labeled RNA probes

Chotteau-Lelievre A., Dolle P., Gofflot F.
Methods Mol Biol 2006 ;326():61-87

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Function of retinoid nuclear receptors: lessons from genetic and pharmacological dissections of the retinoic acid signaling pathway during mouse embryogenesis.

Mark M(1), Ghyselinck NB, Chambon P.
Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2006 ;46():451-80

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Genetic and pharmacological evidence that a retinoic acid cannot be the RXR-activating ligand in mouse epidermis keratinocytes

Calleja C., Messaddeq N., Chapellier B., Yang H., Krezel W., Li M., Metzger D., Mascrez B., Ohta K., Kagechika H., Endo Y., Mark M., Ghyselinck N.B., Chambon P.
Genes Dev 2006 Jun 1;20(11):1525-38

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Knockin mice expressing fluorescent delta-opioid receptors uncover G protein-coupled receptor dynamics in vivo

Scherrer G., Tryoen-Toth P., Filliol D., Matifas A., Laustriat D., Cao Y.Q., Basbaum A.I., Dierich A., Vonesh J.L., Gaveriaux-Ruff C., Kieffer B.L.
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Lipid and Bile Acid Analysis

Argmann CA, Houten SM, Champy MF, Auwerx j
Current Protocols In Molecular Biology 2006 August, 2006

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Localized inflammatory skin disease following inducible ablation of I kappa B kinase 2 in murine epidermis

Stratis A., Pasparakis M., Markur D., Knaup R., Pofahl R., Metzger D., Chambon P., Krieg T., Haase I.
J Invest Dermatol 2006 Mar;126(3):614-20

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Mature-onset obesity and insulin resistance in mice deficient in the signaling adapter p62

Rodriguez A., Duran A., Selloum M., Champy M.F., Diez-Guerra F.J., Flores J.M., Serrano M., Auwerx J., Diaz-Meco M.T., Moscat J.
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Mice models of hypertension

Monassier L, Combe R, El Fertak L
Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models 2006 ;3(3):273-281

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Minimizing Variation Due to Genotype and Environment

Argmann CA, Auwerx J
Current Protocols In Molecular Biology 2006 February, 2006;29A.2.1-29A.2.3():

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Modeling chromosomes in mouse to explore the function of genes, genomic disorders, and chromosomal organization

Brault V., Pereira P., Duchon A., Herault Y.
Plos Genet 2006 Jul;2(7):e86

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Oncogenic steroid receptor coactivator-3 is a key regulator of the white adipogenic program

Louet J.F., Coste A., Amazit L., Tannour-Louet M., Wu R.C., Tsai S.Y., Tsai M.J., Auwerx J., O'Malley B.W.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006 Nov 21;103(47):17868-73

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PGC1alpha expression is controlled in skeletal muscles by PPARbeta, whose ablation results in fiber-type switching, obesity, and type 2 diabetes

Schuler M., Ali F., Chambon C., Duteil D., Bornert J.M., Tardivel A., Desvergne B., Wahli W., Chambon P., Metzger D.
Cell Metab 2006 Nov;4(5):407-14

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Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma is a marker for pyramidal cells and sensory neurons in the nervous system and is not necessary for normal development

Lamprianou S., Vacaresse N., Suzuki Y., Meziane H., Buxbaum J.D., Schlessinger J., Harroch S.
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Resveratrol improves mitochondrial function and protects against metabolic disease by activating SIRT1 and PGC-1alpha

Lagouge M., Argmann C., Gerhart-Hines Z., Meziane H., Lerin C., Daussin F., Messadeq N., Milne J., Lambert P., Elliott P., Geny B., Laakso M., Puigserver P., Auwerx J.
Cell 2006 Dec 15;127(6):1109-22

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Retinoic Acid Metabolism and Signaling Pathways in the Adult and Developing Mouse Testis

Vernet N., Dennefeld C., Rochette-Egly C., Oulad-Abdelghani M., Chambon P., Ghyselinck N.B., Mark M.
Endocrinology 2006 Jan;147(1):96-110

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Retinoids and spermatogenesis: Lessons from mutant mice lacking the plasma retinol binding protein

Ghyselinck N.B., Vernet N., Dennefeld C., Giese N., Nau H., Chambon P., Viville S., Mark M.
Dev Dyn 2006 Apr 3;235(6):1608-1622

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Retinoid signaling in inner ear development

Romand R., Dolle P., Hashino E.
J Neurobiol 2006 May 10;66(7):687-704

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Sensory defects in Necdin deficient mice result from a loss of sensory neurons correlated within an increase of developmental programmed cell death.

Andrieu D, Meziane H, Marly F, Angelats C, Fernandez PA, Muscatelli F.
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Skin epidermis lacking the c-myc gene is resistant to Ras-driven tumorigenesis but can reacquire sensitivity upon additional loss of the p21Cip1 gene

Oskarsson T., Essers M.A., Dubois N., Offner S., Dubey C., Roger C., Metzger D., Chambon P., Hummler E., Beard P., Trumpp A.
Genes Dev 2006 Aug 1;20(15):2024-9

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Skin lesion development in a mouse model of incontinentia pigmenti is triggered by NEMO deficiency in epidermal keratinocytes and requires TNF signaling

Nenci A., Huth M., Funteh A., Schmidt-Supprian M., Bloch W., Metzger D., Chambon P., Rajewsky K., Krieg T., Haase I., Pasparakis M.
Hum Mol Genet 2006 Feb 15;15(4):531-42

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Temporal regulation of Cre recombinase activity in neural stem cells

Imayoshi I., Ohtsuka T., Metzger D., Chambon P., Kageyama R.
Genesis 2006 May;44(5):233-8

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Topical vitamin D3 and low-calcemic analogs induce thymic stromal lymphopoietin in mouse keratinocytes and trigger an atopic dermatitis

Li M., Hener P., Zhang Z., Kato S., Metzger D., Chambon P.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006 Aug 1;103(31):11736-41

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Viral-mediated temporally controlled dopamine production in a rat model of Parkinson disease

Li X.G., Okada T., Kodera M., Nara Y., Takino N., Muramatsu C., Ikeguchi K., Urano F., Ichinose H., Metzger D., Chambon P., Nakano I., Ozawa K., Muramatsu S.
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Visceral obesity is associated with high levels of serum squalene

Peltola P., Pihlajamaki J., Koutnikova H., Ruotsalainen E., Salmenniemi U., Vauhkonen I., Kainulainen S., Gylling H., Miettinen T.A., Auwerx J., Laakso M.
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Assessment of left ventricular perfusion, volumes, and motion in mice using pinhole gated SPECT.

Constantinesco A, Choquet P, Monassier L, Israel-Jost V, Mertz L.
J Nucl Med 2005 Jun;46(6):1005-11

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Contribution of cellular retinol-binding protein type 1 to retinol metabolism during mouse development

Matt N., Schmidt C.K., Dupe V., Dennefeld C., Nau H., Chambon P., Mark M., Ghyselinck N.B.
Dev Dyn 2005 Mar 11;233(1):167-176

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Dorsal pancreas agenesis in retinoic acid-deficient Raldh2 mutant mice

Martin M., Gallego-Llamas J., Ribes V., Kedinger M., Niederreither K., Chambon P., Dolle P., Gradwohl G.
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EMPReSS: standardized phenotype screens for functional annotation of the mouse genome.

Brown SD, Chambon P, de Angelis MH; Eumorphia Consortium.
Nat Genet 2005 Nov;37(11):1155

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Functional role of RXRs and PPARgamma in mature adipocytes

Metzger D., Imai T., Jiang M., Takukawa R., Desvergne B., Wahli W., Chambon P.
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2005 Jul;73(1):51-8

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Genomewide production of multipurpose alleles for the functional analysis of the mouse genome

Schnutgen F., De-Zolt S., Van Sloun P., Hollatz M., Hansen J., Altschmied J., Seisenberger C., Ghyselinck N.B., Ruiz P., Chambon P., Wurst W., von Melchner H.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005 May 17;102(20):7221-6

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Impaired expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha during hepatitis C virus infection

Dharancy S., Malapel M., Perlemuter G., Roskams T., Cheng Y., Dubuquoy L., Podevin P., Conti F., Canva V., Philippe D., Gambiez L., Mathurin P., Paris J.C., Schoonjans K., Calmus Y., Pol S., Auwerx J., Desreumaux P.
Gastroenterology 2005 Feb;128(2):334-42

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Liver receptor homolog 1 contributes to intestinal tumor formation through effects on cell cycle and inflammation

Schoonjans K., Dubuquoy L., Mebis J., Fayard E., Wendling O., Haby C., Geboes K., Auwerx J.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005 Feb 8;102(6):2058-62

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Mouse phenogenomics: the fast track to "systems metabolism"

Argmann C.A., Chambon P., Auwerx J.
Cell Metab 2005 Dec;2(6):349-60

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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma: the more the merrier?

Argmann C.A., Cock T.A., Auwerx J.
Eur J Clin Invest 2005 Feb;35(2):82-92

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Retinoic acid-dependent eye morphogenesis is orchestrated by neural crest cells

Matt N., Dupe V., Garnier J.M., Dennefeld C., Chambon P., Mark M., Ghyselinck N.B.
Development 2005 Nov;132(21):4789-800

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TAF10 is required for the establishment of skin barrier function in foetal, but not in adult mouse epidermis

Indra A.K., Mohan W.S., Frontini M., Scheer E., Messaddeq N., Metzger D., Tora L.
Dev Biol 2005 Sep 1;285(1):28-37

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Targeted somatic mutagenesis in the mouse epidermis

Metzger D., Li M., Chambon P.
Methods Mol Biol 2005 ;289():329-40

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Temporally controlled targeted somatic mutagenesis in skeletal muscles of the mouse

Schuler M., Ali F., Metzger E., Chambon P., Metzger D.
Genesis 2005 Apr;41(4):165-70

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The optomotor response: a robust first-line visual screening method for mice.

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Training and aging modulate the loss-of-balance phenotype observed in a new ENU-induced allele of Otopetrin1

Besson V., Nalesso V., Herpin A., Bizot J.C., Messaddeq N., Romand R., Puech A., Blanquet V., Herault Y.
Biol Cell 2005 Oct;97(10):787-98

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Working memory deficits in retinoid X receptor gamma-deficient mice

Wietrzych M., Meziane H., Sutter A., Ghyselinck N., Chapman P.F., Chambon P., Krezel W.
Learn Mem 2005 May-Jun;12(3):318-26

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Absence of S6K1 protects against age- and diet-induced obesity while enhancing insulin sensitivity

Um S.H., Frigerio F., Watanabe M., Picard F., Joaquin M., Sticker M., Fumagalli S., Allegrini P.R., Kozma S.C., Auwerx J., Thomas G.
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Bile acids lower triglyceride levels via a pathway involving FXR, SHP, and SREBP-1c

Watanabe M., Houten S.M., Wang L., Moschetta A., Mangelsdorf D.J., Heyman R.A., Moore D.D., Auwerx J.
J Clin Invest 2004 May;113(10):1408-18

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Cardiovascular and survival effects of sympatho-inhibitors in adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy in rats.

Thomas L, Bellmont S, Christen MO, La Roche B, Monassier L.
Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2004 Dec;18(6):649-55

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Cre-mediated conditional gene targeting to understand liver functions

Metzger D., Chambon P
Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models 2004 ;1(3):229-234

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Current mouse models for studying cardiac dysfunctions: technical and imaging aspects

Monassier L, Theodoropoulos C, Sandler R, Constantinesco A.
Drug Discovery Today 2004 ;1():235-241

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Disease progression despite early loss of polyglutamine protein expression in SCA7 mouse model

Helmlinger D., Abou-Sleymane G., Yvert G., Rousseau S., Weber C., Trottier Y., Mandel J.L., Devys D.
J Neurosci 2004 Feb 25;24(8):1881-7

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Efficient temporally controlled targeted somatic mutagenesis in hepatocytes of the mouse

Schuler M., Dierich A., Chambon P., Metzger D.
Genesis 2004 Jul;39(3):167-72

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Expression of the liver X receptor alpha and beta in embryonic and adult mice

Annicotte J.S., Schoonjans K., Auwerx J.
Anat Rec 2004 Apr;277A(2):312-6

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Idebenone delays the onset of cardiac functional alteration without correction of Fe-S enzymes deficit in a mouse model for Friedreich ataxia

Seznec H., Simon D., Monassier L., Criqui-Filipe P., Gansmuller A., Rustin P., Koenig M., Puccio H.
Hum Mol Genet 2004 May 15;13(10):1017-24

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Impaired pancreatic growth, beta cell mass, and beta cell function in E2F1 (-/- )mice

Fajas L., Annicotte J.S., Miard S., Sarruf D., Watanabe M., Auwerx J.
J Clin Invest 2004 May;113(9):1288-95

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Involvement of the serotonin 5-HT2B receptor in cardiac hypertrophy linked to sympathetic stimulation: control of interleukin-6, interleukin-1beta, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha cytokine production by ventricular fibroblasts

Jaffre F., Callebert J., Sarre A., Etienne N., Nebigil C.G., Launay J.M., Maroteaux L., Monassier L.
Circulation 2004 Aug 24;110(8):969-74

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Knockout mouse models in pain research

Dierich A., Kieffer B.L.
Methods Mol Med 2004 ;99():269-300

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Ligand-dependent contribution of RXRbeta to cholesterol homeostasis in Sertoli cells

Mascrez B., Ghyselinck N.B., Watanabe M., Annicotte J.S., Chambon P., Auwerx J., Mark M.
Embo Rep 2004 Mar;5(3):285-290

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LRH-1: an orphan nuclear receptor involved in development, metabolism and steroidogenesis

Fayard E., Auwerx J., Schoonjans K.
Trends Cell Biol 2004 May;14(5):250-60

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Molecular cloning, genomic structure, and expression analysis of the mouse transcriptional intermediary factor 1 gamma gene

Yan K.P., Dolle P., Mark M., Lerouge T., Wendling O., Chambon P., Losson R.
Gene 2004 Jun 9;334():3-13

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Mouse functional genomics requires standardization of mouse handling and housing conditions

Champy M.F., Selloum M., Piard L., Zeitler V., Caradec C., Chambon P., Auwerx J.
Mamm Genome 2004 Oct;15(10):768-83

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Partially redundant functions of SRC-1 and TIF2 in postnatal survival and male reproduction

Mark M., Yoshida-Komiya H., Gehin M., Liao L., Tsai M.J., O'Malley B.W., Chambon P., Xu J.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2004 Mar 30;101(13):4453-8

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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma is required in mature white and brown adipocytes for their survival in the mouse.

Imai T, Takakuwa R, Marchand S, Dentz E, Bornert JM, Messaddeq N, Wendling O, Mark M, Desvergne B, Wahli W, Chambon P, Metzger D.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2004 Mar 30;101(13):4543-7

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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma: too much of a good thing causes harm

Cock T.A., Houten S.M., Auwerx J.
Embo Rep 2004 Feb;5(2):142-7

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PU.1 determines the self-renewal capacity of erythroid progenitor cells

Back J., Dierich A., Bronn C., Kastner P., Chan S.
Blood 2004 May 15;103(10):3615-23

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Retinal dystrophy resulting from ablation of RXR alpha in the mouse retinal pigment epithelium

Mori M., Metzger D., Picaud S., Hindelang C., Simonutti M., Sahel J., Chambon P., Mark M.
Am J Pathol 2004 Feb;164(2):701-10

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Retinoic acid signalling in the development of branchial arches

Mark M., Ghyselinck N.B., Chambon P.
Curr Opin Genet Dev 2004 Oct;14(5):591-8

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Synergy between LRH-1 and beta-Catenin Induces G(1) Cyclin-Mediated Cell Proliferation

Botrugno O.A., Fayard E., Annicotte J.S., Haby C., Brennan T., Wendling O., Tanaka T., Kodama T., Thomas W., Auwerx J., Schoonjans K.
Mol Cell 2004 Aug 27;15(4):499-509

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The European dimension for the mouse genome mutagenesis program

Auwerx J., Avner P., Baldock R., Ballabio A., Balling R., Barbacid M., Berns A., Bradley A., Brown S., Carmeliet P., Chambon P., Cox R., Davidson D., Davies K., Duboule D., Forejt J., Granucci F., Hastie N., De Angelis M.H., Jackson I., Kioussis D., Kollias G., Lathrop M., Lendahl U., Malumbres M., Von Melchner H., Muller W., Partanen J., Ricciardi-Castagnoli P., Rigby P., Rosen B., Rosenthal N., Skarnes B., Stewart A.F., Thornton J., Tocchini-Valentini G., Wagner E., Wahli W., Wurst W.
Nat Genet 2004 Sep;36(9):925-7

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Tissue-specific and inducible Cre-mediated recombination in the gut epithelium

El Marjou F., Janssen K.P., Hung-Junn Chang B., Li M., Hindie V., Chan L., Louvard D., Chambon P., Metzger D., Robine S.
Genesis 2004 Jul;39(3):186-93

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A directional strategy for monitoring Cre-mediated recombination at the cellular level in the mouse

Schnutgen F., Doerflinger N., Calleja C., Wendling O., Chambon P., Ghyselinck N.B.
Nat Biotechnol 2003 May;21(5):562-5

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A newborn lethal defect due to inactivation of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type 3 is prevented by maternal retinoic acid treatment

Dupe V., Matt N., Garnier J.M., Chambon P., Mark M., Ghyselinck N.B.
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Compensation by the muscle limits the metabolic consequences of lipodystrophy in PPAR{gamma} hypomorphic mice

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Functional interaction between PARP-1 and PARP-2 in chromosome stability and embryonic development in mouse

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Genetics of dark skin in mice

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I(1) imidazoline receptors involved in cardiovascular regulation: where are we and where are we going?

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Knockout mice as model systems for studying nm23/NDP kinase gene functions. Application to the nm23-M1 gene

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Leptin: cutting the fat off the bone

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NSD1 is essential for early post-implantation development and has a catalytically active SET domain

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Overexpression of the serotonin 5-HT2B receptor in heart leads to abnormal mitochondrial function and cardiac hypertrophy

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Pancreatic-Duodenal Homeobox 1 Regulates Expression of Liver Receptor Homolog 1 during Pancreas Development

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Récepteurs à la Provençale. EMBO workshop on the biology of nuclear receptors.

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TAF10 (TAF(II)30) is necessary for TFIID stability and early embryogenesis in mice

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A conditional floxed (loxP-flanked) allele for the retinoic acid receptor beta (RARbeta) gene

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A conditional floxed (loxP-flanked) allele for the retinoic acid receptor gamma (RARgamma) gene

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A Hoxa2 knockin allele that expresses EGFP upon conditional Cre- mediated recombination

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A Hoxa2 mutant conditional allele generated by Flp- and Cre-mediated recombination

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A nested deletion approach to generate Cre deleter mice with progressive Hox profiles

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Evidence for synergy between alpha(2)-adrenergic and nonadrenergic mechanisms in central blood pressure regulation.

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Evolutionary conserved sequences are required for the insulation of the vertebrate Hoxd complex in neural cells

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Liver receptor homolog 1 controls the expression of the scavenger receptor class B type I

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Progesterone receptor knockout mice have an improved glucose homeostasis secondary to beta -cell proliferation

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Serial deletions and duplications suggest a mechanism for the collinearity of Hoxd genes in limbs

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Sigma receptors: from discovery to highlights of their implications in the cardiovascular system.

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SRC-1 and TIF2 control energy balance between white and brown adipose tissues

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The AF-1 activation-function of ERalpha may be dispensable to mediate the effect of estradiol on endothelial NO production in mice

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The function of TIF2/GRIP1 in mouse reproduction is distinct from those of SRC-1 and p/CIP

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The retinoblastoma-histone deacetylase 3 complex inhibits PPARgamma and adipocyte differentiation

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Hox gene expression in limbs: colinearity by opposite regulatory controls

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Engineering chromosomes in mice through targeted meiotic recombination (TAMERE)

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Genetic analysis of a Hoxd-12 regulatory element reveals global versus local modes of controls in the HoxD complex

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Genetic control of murine limb morphogenesis: relationships with human syndromes and evolutionary relevance

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The expression of the avian clusterin gene can be driven by two alternative promoters with distinct regulatory elements

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H-DNA can act as a transcriptional insulator

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