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ENTEROCYTE_PURGE_RECOVERY: Toxin and xenobiotics-inuced purge and subsequent recovery of enterocytes
Neuronal and Astroglial contribution to intellectual disability. This project is based on the functional characterization of the
interactions between astroglia and neurons in the context of
Innovative animal models for the discovery of candidate genes to the validation of therapeutic molecules for genito-urinary disorders.éation ELevage PHEnotypage DIstribution Archivage de modèles animaux
The research infrastructure CELPHEDIA (Creation, Breeding, Phenotyping, Distribution and Archiving of model organisms) is a national network of distributed infrastructures over the French territory, to be closer to the users. Its main objective is to develop innovative, standardized and massively parallel technological approaches, in order to accelerate the understanding of the genome and to stimulate the generation of human or animal disease models. CELPHEDIA also aims to improve and harmonize procedures and protocols, which guarantee efficiency and reliability, thus facilitating national or international access to the models of interest.éseau d'Etudes Fonctionnelles chez les ORganismes modèles
EFOR network aims to promote model organisms used in France for functional studies of genes. It facilitates the use of these species by enhancing infrastructure dedicated to them. for Rare Diseases main objectives are to link and unite stakeholders in research and care in rare diseases, and finance on the basis of tenders multi-annual research projects targeted on rare diseases, without restriction on the type of illness or disciplinary field (clinical, pathophysiological, therapeutic, social sciences and humanities). en Biologie Santé et Agronomie
Réseau Opérationnel de Centres pour faciliter l'Accès et la Distribution des modèles souris
Innovative services and tools for research on Drosophilia, Zebrafish and other model organisms.
Tefor is a distributed infrastructure composed by 11 partners, and is administrated by a single infrastructure office assisted by a board of directors. carcinoma – from molecular pathogenesis to clinical management
The project is funded by the French ARC foundation and managed by the LabEx HepSYS to provide new targets for prevention and treatment of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), relevant biological models of the disease, nanocarriers for personalized treatment and optimized clinical care protocols. It will have a significant impact on the management of patients with HCC in France, Europe and beyond.