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PATHBIO MOUSE IMAGING MASTER CLASS consists of one of the three intensive courses from PATHBIO consortium. The PathBio project brings together an ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliance consortium from across the globe to cooperate on pooling resources and expertise in order to build the framework for a European post graduate degree in Precision pathobiology for disease models.
The Mouse Imaging Master Class is open from the 21st to the 29th of September. The course teaching will combine lectures and workshop in which participants will learn how to use Image J for analysis, discern and discuss the processing and the analyzing methods between OPT, HREM, micro-CT & MRI, and finally understand how to take advantage of these imaging methods to answer your scientific questions, specifically focusing on the 3’R criteria (Refinement, Replacement and Reduction), ethics and animal welfare.
The course is free to participants - more information related to program and registration.
The PATHBIO team wishes you all well and safe at this very difficult time !
PATHBIO is an EU-funded ERASMUS Knowledge Alliance for “Precision Pathobiology for Disease Models”. The program is also supported by INFRAFRONTIER and IMPC.
Training course