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Mycoplasmes detection in cell culture

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Realize the importance of tracability and quality control in cell culture

Be aware of the problem of mycoplasma contamination

Realize the diversity of mycoplasma detection methods and be able to choose techniques adapted to each case

Know how to prevent mycoplasma contaminations


Engineers and technicians currently cultivating cell lines or planning to cultivate cell lines.


None, except understand French (course will be given in French)



Interactive courses (5h)

Introduction on cell line culture

How to establish cell lines and key steps in the culture

Importance of tracability and quality control


  • definitions and classifications
  • origin of contamination
  • effects of contamination
  • detection methods
  • treatment and limits
  • preventions and actions needed


Workshop 2 h

Starting from concrete cases, trainees will be asked to analyze the situation in order to suggest an action plan


Registration and more informations: 

download detailed programme and pre regristration form


Training course

Illkirch, France

Associated document

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