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10th Annual Meeting of the EFOR network

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EFOR, French Network supporting the development of animal and plant species models is pleased to announce the 10th edition of the EFOR meeting, virtual event shceduled on May 10th and 11st ! It is a nice opportunity to understand more the interest of non common models which can be used to answer scientific question and then allow researcher to apply in the same way the  to implemente the 3Rs in practice. But not only ! The first day sessions focuses on scientific and technical topics reagrding mouse models, non-human primates models, fish models and organoids. And the the second day sessions focus on a particular model organism (Fish, plant, algae, ...)

Let's have a look to the scheduled program ! The registration to the meeting is free, and registration mandatory.  PHENOMIN-ICS will take part of the event and N. Torquet  will present  « Souris City, an example of a complex environment for the study of animal behavior »

Delighted to see you online !

More information at https://efor.fr/en/home/

- Symposium


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